6 | Spar

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Sorry for taking so long. Let's just say - COVID. Also, sorry it just cuts off, I just wanted to get a chapter out for you guys ASAP.












"So first, I have a question for all of you." Ana says, peering at the female group in front of her.

"Who does not see themselves on the battlefield?"

Slowly, one third of the girls raise their hands with some having an "on the fence" expression.

Ana nods as she glances around at the people that answered.

"Those that have their hands raised will later meet with Commander Mei." She gestures over at the girl next to her, "She has experience in the office as well as in combat which is fit for emergency situations. She will be your in-house trainer for the remainder of the exams and further beyond once placements are set in stone."

As she finishes and pats the female's shoulder, Mei raises her hand and waves it gently before speaking up.

"Hello everyone! As Commander Amari said, I will be observing those who wish to stay out of the field, and teach them the basics of Overwatch office work! Please feel free to ask me any questions with your training!" The scientist says, sounding a bit nervous but definitely showing confidence with her short introduction.

As people finish greeting Mei with small hellos, Ana turns back to us and speaks up, "After we complete a 'get to know each other activity,' we will break into the two groups and do small training exercises. This isn't official training, but I would personally like to see the combatants of the group spar before the medical examination to note down any noticeable physical health concerns."

Everyone nods in affirmation, Ana- Okay, I need to start calling them both Commander. Commander Amari facing her partner seconds later.

"Would you like to start the ice breakers now, Mei?"

"Of course!" She says in delight, a floating object appearing next to her from behind.

Commander Mei turns to us again, placing her hand under the gadget as it starts to.. snow?

"How this ice breaker will work," she begins with a huge smile, "shall be that each person will get snowed on from my companion - his name is Snowball, by the way.. He will do it at random until everyone has introduced themselves and said why they wanted to join Overwatch!" Commander Mei claps her hands together. "Short and simple, right?"

I noticed some people cringe at the phrase "will get snowed on," my gaze finally falling on Hana after I skimmed the crowd.

She looked mesmerized with the Chinese commander, sparkles almost apparent in her irises. I chuckle before jabbing her gently with my elbow, finally snapping her out of her gaze when she looks at me.

Defender // Genji x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now