15 | Dinner

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────No One's POV────

      Dinner with Genji was in about 2 hours, and you had yet to know what he wanted made. That little shit! You thought as you quickly ran into the kitchen to begin getting your cooking underway; if he didn't tell you soon, you'd make whatever you felt like serving, and he would like it. With that in mind, you flicked your gauntlet up to your chin and called for Athena.

      "Yes, Agent (L/n)?'

"Can you please call Agent Shimada once again?" You asked with audible annoyance.

"Calling Agent Shimada."

With every ring from the gauntlet on your wrist, your annoyance grew, and you could only bite the inside of your cheek to somewhat tame your ever growing temper with Genji. The final straw was when the ringing stopped and you heard Athena speak instead.

"Apologies, Agent (L/n), but Genji cannot respond at this time. Would you like to leave another message?"

"Oh my fucking god.. No, but thank you for trying, Athena." You roughly mumbled the first part of your appreciative sentence while getting behind the serving counters.

"Your heart rate is above the average beats-per-minute. Would you like me to recommend calming techniques, Agent (L/n)?" The AI inquired before you could lower your gauntlet.

"Is one of them having Genji actually answer his communicator?" You gently sneered, sarcasm laced with every word.

"Sadly, no. Would you still require me to list them off?"

You shook your head, "No, but thank you."

"Of course." She finished as you placed your wrist at your side.

"I hate that ninja, I hate that ninja, I hate that ninja~.."

Your quiet (aggravated) singing filled the kitchen as you began to cook, relieving your brain of growing pressure. At this point, your body moved on its own to get the job done, so you left yourself in autopilot while you thought about anything and everything. From what you were concocting, you knew you were putting together musubi and cold soba, one of Genji's classic favorites. You felt time flash by, your irritation rushing your hands to finish quicker than what you'd normally take to cook this combination, and you soon realized you made more than what you intended.

      "Oh cheese and crackers." You hissed, "The chefs are going to kill me.."

      Despite this, you packed everything you made into a semi-large portable container and added a few drinks in there as well. You cleaned all the evidence of your existence and shut off the lights before taking the meal in your arms out of the cafeteria. You knew dinner was about to start, the time to eat being from 7:50 to 10:50 (19:50 to 22:50), and the current time was 7:30, so the chefs would be coming soon. With that in mind, you made sure to sneak past any and all agents that littered around the halls to avoid any suspicion of you messing around in the kitchen.

When you made it into your room, you quickly placed the container on your low coffee table and began pushing the couch back. After getting it where you wanted, you went to your closet and pulled out two zabutons and set them on either side of the table in Japanese fashion. You wanted this to be catered to Genji, despite your annoyance with him, so you did your best to fulfill that wish; you placed wooden chopsticks on either side with matching hashiokis (an elevated rest for chopsticks). After placing the appropriate dishes on the table, you left into the closet once again and began to change into more comfortable clothing. You slid on a baggy long sleeve shirt and comfortable black shorts, scratching your neck while checking your hair in the mirror to see if it was messy. You didn't really care, but you wanted to at least look like you put a little more effort into yourself, so you put your hair up into a low ponytail and tucked in any flyaways. With yourself checked and the dinner ready, you had just about an hour left to do whatever you wanted, so maybe it wouldn't hurt to just lounge around.

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