5 | Examination

453 15 7

Sorry about not uploading for a couple of days (pretty sure it's been two). I had a huge emergency and I needed to take a break from my stress levels. Anyways, enjoy the chapter!












I couldn't move.

I was too nervous to.


There was his voice again, making me tremble even more as I stared at his form. The man was just as he was before he left. His red eyes, black hair, the same muscular form, everything.. I couldn't help but stare as he took slow steps forward, treating me as if I was a fearful doe. Genji's hand was slightly reaching out to my body until he got close enough to touch my arm.

I stiffened before feeling the held back tears finally roll down my cheeks. I couldn't contain anything anymore - he was here, right in front of me. After so many years, the man I've been missing was finally there. I let out a stifled cry before he rushed to embrace me in a tight hug, my arms going around and up his back as I tried to grip whatever I could.

"I've missed you so much, Koneko.." Genji said in a hushed voice, stroking the strands of hair back into place against my frame. (koneko - kitten in Japanese)

I felt my tears come down harder and my breathing become ragged, small yelps from crying almost reaching up my throat. He hasn't called me Koneko since the incident.. He's finally remembering after all this time. Oh Genji..

I felt my fingernails scratch and pull at his skin as I turned my hands into fists. His scars traced along the palm of my hands, confirming even more that this was Genji and that I wasn't going insane. As I gripped on, I felt his hand lift into my hair before resting on the back of my head, pulling me into his shoulder. My eyes were so watery, I couldn't even see the end of the hall behind him.

I didn't care.

I didn't move.

I stayed rooted right where I was; in Genji's arms with nothing but him and me in our moment. And we stayed that way for what felt like an eternity. The only sound that was evident was from my breakdown, and thank god no one heard me crying like a baby.

I pull my head back to look at Genji's face, his eyes softly looking into my own. I felt the cybernetic hand trail from behind my head to the side of my cheek, it hot and red. Placing one hand on his shakily with care, I felt his thumb wipe away a fallen tear as it skimmed it's way down my skin.

As I looked helplessly into the eyes of my safe space, I inched closer to his mask before resting my forehead on his. We closed our eyes and sat in each other's presence, his voice slowly rising out of his chest.

"あなたは目を覚ます必要があります 私の失われたウサギ.."        (You need to wake up, my lost rabbit..)

I open my eyes at him, not understanding a single thing Genji had spoken. That's when I heard someone down the end of the hallway behind him.

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