12 | Midnight Talk

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────(Y/n) POV────

      Angela stood there bewildered by my sudden outburst, and in all honesty, I couldn't believe it either. Guilt settled, but I kept pushing along, spitting things out at the doctor who now held onto her biceps and straightened her body into a more attentive position.

      "Why would you do that?!"

      "Do what, (Y/n?)" Dr. Ziegler replied.

      "Kiss! Why would you- YOU- kiss him?!"

      "(Y/n), please. You must calm down."

"Calm down? CALM DOWN? Are you SERIOUS?!"

"I understand what you saw wasn't.. pleasing.. But you don't have the full story—"

"I don't need the full story to explain what I saw!"

She looked at you in betrayal and raised her arms out, "I would never do anything to hurt you, (Y/n)!"

"Then why did you let that happen?!"

Angela looked sympathetic towards me, and that only fueled the fire inside of my chest.

"Don't you DARE look at me that way!" I began to storm out.

Angela suddenly grabbed onto my arm and began to pull back, "(Y/n) wait! I can explain everything if you just let me!"

I felt my heart beating out of my chest when her hand touched my arm. Instead of her comforting gentle grasp, it was tight and desperate, latching onto my skin like a leach.

      "(Y/n), please.."

I sucked in a shallow breath before speaking firmly to at least try and find some sort of lax ground, "Dr. Ziegler, I have to go back to my trainees. Release my arm."

"Please (Y/n).. Lets just talk.." Angela spoke softly.

When I was about to respond, the bathroom door slowly opened just a tad, and McCree called from the other side.

"Darlin', is everythin' alright?"

I looked towards the opened door, and the freedom of leaving called my name so much so to the point where I pulled myself roughly away from the doctor's grasp. I turned back to look at her one more time, and went straight for the door. I heard a defeated sigh come from Angela when I was about to walk out, and a small pang of pity hit me. We've known each other for years, and this is what's tearing us up? It's unforgivable with what she's done, I thought, but I've known her for so long, I should at least make an effort to.. fix it.

      I grabbed the doorknob, but didn't turn it, "Meet me in my room later tonight if you wish to talk."

      "Thank you, (Y/n).." Angela said with a silent sigh of relief.

      Without another word, I ditched the bathroom and found McCree sitting on the floor outside.

      "Are you okay? You took a mighty long time fer' just washin' your face." He said while getting up.

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