9 | Buried Emotions

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────2nd POV────

The shower was running as you tiredly awoke, barely listening to the muffled showering water in a different room. You expected to wake up with McCree gone, but nope! He made himself right at home. Of course you didn't mind, though he could've been a little more upfront about it.

You hear a small squeaking noise as the water running slowly dies down to a stop. Footsteps begin to patter around in the bathroom, sometimes getting close to the door before retreating. It sounded like he was looking for something in there, you just didn't know what - I mean, what could he possibly be looking for? That's when you really thought long and hard, your morning brain having trouble grinding gears. What could he be looking for?

That's when you finally remembered. You never put a towel in the bathroom.

You groggily sat up in bed, looking at the door across from you that contained the prancing cowboy. Getting up felt like such a hassle at - you check the alarm clock on your left - 5 in the morning. Why was he even up right now? You know for a fact that Jesse McCree is definitely NOT a morning person.

You finally say screw it and get up from the comfort of your bed, slowly making way to the closet. Knowing for a fact that the towels were in a box, you had to check the unpacked section of the changing room, and luckily it wasn't that difficult to find since you labeled all of the boxes bathroom, bedroom, etc.

A dark purple towel was now acquired in your arms after you searched around two boxes. It was on the comfier side of the lot you bought, the fuzziness of the fabric feeling abnormally soft compared to others. You didn't want to give your best towels to him, but you were too tired to look for the lower quality ones. Rising up to your feet, you walk out of the closet and to the bathroom door - the pitter patter of Jesse's feet have subsided as the probable result of noticing there were no towels.

You knock on the door and gently call out to him, "Jesse, I got you a towel.."

Small footsteps arrive behind the door, "Thanks darlin'.. Could you leave it on the floor?" His muffled voice responds.

You do as he says, leaving the towel in front of the wooden door before walking away into the closet once more. The creaking noise of something opening sounds off in the other room, hinting that the Southerner had went to fetch the towel. You wait till you hear the door click shut, and walk back into the living room to start cleaning your bed. You also took the opportunity to open your curtains and light a candle, the subtle scent of a rainy day playing in the room.

After the small organization session, you turn back to your bed and crawl onto the mattress. The weight of your body caused slight shifting in the cushion before dipping in the spot you were sitting on. You sat crisscrossed while making sure your nightgown covered everything it needed to, and slowly pulled your hair out of it's up-do. Sensations of fuzziness rolled down your scalp and to the back of your neck, the hair you kept up all night falling to your sides on the bed once you finish letting it loose. Your fingers gently massage the sensitive parts of your head as you look back at the bathroom.

As if on cue, Jesse opens the door.

"Good mornin'. How'd ya' sleep?"

"I slept alright.." You let your hands rest on your lap. "And you?"

"The couch was comfier than expected, to say the least."

Nodding at his response, you turn your face away from him.

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