7 | Flashback

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        When Dr. Ziegler finished with my examinations, she led me to the entrance doors and walked me out.

        "I'll send someone for you when I'm finished with Hana. She's gonna be under some anesthesia, so.. you know the drill." Angela says quietly.

        "Alright. Thank you again, Doc." I gratefully smile.

        "Anything for one of my old apprentices."

        Waving goodbye, we part our separate ways. I went to go find Ana and inform her of the news, so I followed the maps to find my way back to the training room. Agents were bustling around more so than usual, and the halls were filled with happy chit chat. My eyes grazed some of the blue ranks, two of them looking nervous while one in the middle looked confident. I couldn't help but let nostalgia flood my body as I remembered the days when I first joined Overwatch.

         "(Y/n), how's Hana?"

        I snap out of my thoughts and watch as Commander Amari stops in front of me.

        "Oh, Commander Amari. She's okay, they're gonna send for me when she's awake from the anesthesia." I softly say, holding my hands behind my back.

        She nods before walking away, a small noise rumbling from her throat to pull in my attention. I watch as her hand comes up and ushers me to follow, to which I comply silently. Minutes go by as the silence lingers around us, the tapping of our shoes some of the only sounds around. And then boredom reaches its peak, rather soon in all honesty, so I look around during our stroll and notice the area change as we stride through the base; the hallways begin to be filled with packages, and the area looks more unfinished the farther we walk. Becoming curious, I look towards Commander Amari and break the silence.

        "Commander, if you don't mind me asking.. Where are we going?"

        "Before I tell you, you must promise me something, aimra'at mushakisa."


        The commander slowly turns, stopping us both in our tracks. The look in her eye seemed serious yet soft, so I relaxed under her gaze as she spoke.

        "No more formalities. You'll know when they're required, but until then, keep them in the back of your mind."

        I take a moment to process what she said before a closed lip smile is drawn on my face.

        "Of course, Ana."


        She nods in satisfaction, leading us to an open doorway at the end of the hall. I cock my head to the side before walking in with Ana as loud noises start to erupt from the room.

        I take a moment to look around, the room a rusted metal color with dirty yellow stripes lacing the walls in a pattern. There were counters, clean of the rusted look, and contraptions that sparked as they worked away in creating new technologies. My eyes slowly scanned to a small workstation, a particular dwarf banging his hammer against roughened metal.

        Ana's boots clicked against the floor as she walked up to the builder.

        "Torbjörn, I brought in (Y/n) as requested." She spoke out, turning to me and crossing her arms.

        The blonde mechanic rubbed his forehead before getting down from the stepping stool under him, a small wobble in his footing.

        "Well I'll be.. It's been a long time since I've last seen you, trainee!" He said, walking up to me and patting my forearm.

Defender // Genji x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now