2 | Flying

704 18 2

Sorry it took so long for this chapter to come out... I've just been out of the mood to write and more to draw..












        I was running around my entire house, gathering and packing all the necessities I would need for this trip, this whole last minute trip. This is insane. I can't believe this is really happening, and now out of all times - my life is together, I've buried my past under the rug. Yet, this is what I've been hoping for. I take a look at the kitchen clock as I go downstairs to make tomorrow's breakfast. To my surprise it's only 9 pm, even when it felt like hours had gone by since I've read Winston's letter. It took a lot of thinking on my end to say that this was true - I mean, Ana AMARIA was right in front of me, and that was Winston's handwriting, so how could it not be? I start making some put-away fruit bowls, sweet sauce, and batter for pancakes, or waffles if I feel up to it. Cleaning up the mess, I set everything in the fridge before making my way upstairs to doublecheck my packed items.

        "Okay, I have my day clothes, pajamas, two fancy outfits, and enough underwear and socks to get me through the week! I should be covered, but if I need to I can come back, or order new stuff." I ramble on as I check my bags, coming to the conclusion that I have everything I need.

        "Alrighty. It's 10:15, so I'll set my alarm to 7:30 in the morning to get ready and packed."

        I set my phone alarm to 7:30 AM before I lay down in my bed to sleep. That was, until I started thinking deep into thought. All of the possibilities that Genji could be there were intoxicating my head - how would he react? How would I react?

☽────The Next Day - 12:25 PM────☾

        I take my new, and improved black truck to the airport, having ate my breakfast as soon as I woke up before I packed my sauce and fruit bowls, got dressed, did whatever I wanted to my face and hair. The ride there was slow yet nerve-racking no matter how much I tried to calm myself- this whole situation was completely thrown at me, with not only old faces, but revived ones as well. I can't help but stare at my wheel for a split second as I try and tame these emotions with sheep counting.


        As the airport came into view, I took in a few gulps of air. I know, I know, I shouldn't be so nervous over this, but it wasn't even about what was happening, it was about the people I would meet. It's been years since we've interacted, and as stupid as this sounds, I don't feel like I left that much of an impact to be remembered. The only reason that I believe I was invited was because of my position on the front lines, and the connection I had with the Blackwatch agents. Some time goes by before I pull up into the parking lot and next to the car I opened the other day. I feel my inner self squeal in panic, hitting my head on the steering wheel to chill out.

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