chapter 3

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Camilo pov

    I had to quickly rush home before dinner.
Hopefully mami won't kill me for being a little late.
I can't wait to see her. Do you think she'll remember me. I definitely remember her. She was my best friend. I wonder how much she's changed?

    I finally make it back home and I run upstairs to put my gift in my room then run back down to join dinner.
As I walk in I instantly see her. She's sat next to Delores. My first thought? To many thoughts go through my head. She so  different. She's beautiful definitely. Her hair is in a casual low bun but she makes it look amazing. She locks eyes with me. Wow her eyes are a beautiful shade of green. I feel my face growing a big smile and she smiles back. My stomach just did something.

"ahmm" pepe coughs to get you attention. She doesn't look to happy with me.

  I go walk over and sit on the other side of Delores.

"What took you so long" Delores whispers to me while I start filling up my plate with food.

"I was trying to find the right gift" you say while shoving food into your mouth.

  It was true. You struggled finding a gift. I mean what do you give to a person you haven't seen in 10 years?
"so what did you get?" Delores asks whole cutting some meat on her plate.

"I'm not going to tell you" you say

"I'm gonna find out sooner or later" she responds. Before you can say something abuela asks (y/n) a question.

"Y/n what's it like traveling around?" abuela asks

"its ok but I prefer staying in one place." Y/n says

Her voice sounds so soft and sweet.

"So y/n did you leave any broken hearts behind?" Pepe asks with a knowing smile.
You find yourself waiting for y/ns anwser.

"I don't think so" y/n anwsers

For some reason you feel happy with that answer.

Dinner continues like normal. The family just asks if y/n has any hobbies.. Which she does, she loves reading as her favorite pass time, she loves painting and she's love animals.

    Y/n offers to help with the dishes after dinner and tia is trying to deny her help but its seems that y/n won't have a no for an answer. So y/n starts washing the dishes and I decide to sneak up behind her and tickle her.

"ahh!" Y/n shrieks while wiggling trying to get out of camilos grip.

"Ay camilo you scared me" she said while laughing. I like her laugh its sounds really nice.

"Sorry hermosa I couldn't pass the chance" you say while taking a little bow.

"beautiful huh?" She asks with a raised eyebrow.

Oh I let that slip.

"Well its true. You've changed a lot since we were younger" you say scratching the back of you head.

"You've changed a lot too" she says while washing another dish.

"Oh yeah? Like what?" You ask drying a plate.

"Well for one your taller, your hair is longer-"

"Is that all?" I ask turning around to face her.

"Your personality. You a bit cheeky. but over all you don't look to bad either." You say winking at him

"Don't look to bad? That's it?" You ask getting ready to attack her with tickles

"Ok ok! Fine, you very good looking" you say smiling with an eye roll.

"I knew I was" you say pretending to make a pose. Y/n is staring at you with her mouth wide open.

"I'd shout your mouth if I were you hermosa its not very attractive " instantly she shuts it and focuses on washing up, but you can see her trying to hold a smile back.

"Camilo can you walk y/n and her mother home? Its dark and I want them to be safe with all the mischief going on in the town recently" abuela asks walking into the kitchen.

"Yes abuela, come y/n" you grab y/ns hand and take her to the door to get her shawl. You help her put around her as her mother comes toward you with pepe.

"Ah y/n your ready, good girl." Mrs l/n says

She turns around to face pepe.

"Goodbye pepe, and thank julieta for the amazing meal" Mrs l/n say.

"I will and Goodbye M/n see you soon" pepe says.
You guys walk out and down the path towards y/ns house.

"So what's all the trouble thats going around?" y/n asks

"there's been a couple of bandits coming in and stealing things and robbing peoples"  houses and mugging people at night" you say

"oh dear" y/n responds

You arrive at y/ns house and y/ns mother goes says goodnight and goes inside.

"Will you be alright going back?" Y/n asks me with concern in her green eyes.

"I should be fine" you say to her. Hopefully that's true.

Y/n gives you a hug and saying "just be careful"

"I'll be careful" you say hugging her back. You wish you could stay like this forever.

"Plus I can't let anything happen to me now that my best friend is back" you say with a big smile.

"I'll see you tomorrow Hermosa" I say walking away from her door while bowing.

"I'll see you tomorrow pretty boy" y/n says to me with a smile then goes inside.

Pretty boy? Does she think I'm pretty!??!  Wait is that a good thing or a bad thing? Boy are meant to be handsome. Ill ask her tomorrow.

You walk home and open the door and its really quiet.

"pretty boy huh?" Delores say walking out of the shadows

"ah! Delores don't scare me like that...hey wait were you listening?" You ask her with a pointed finger.

"maayybeeee....any way good night Romeo" she says as She is walking away.

"Romeo? What do you mean Romeo?" You ask hee.

"Well its obvious you like her"

"As a friend yes"

"camilo my sweet innocent brother. There's no way you guys are gonna be " just friends " I'm mean look at her she's very beautiful and I don't think she knows just how pretty she is, but you guys are gonna fall in love end of story " she says

"well yes she very beautiful, but that doesn't mean I'm going to fall in love with her"

"just wait and see brother and when you do I'm gonna be here telling you I told you so" and with that Delores walks upstairs to her room.

I stood there thinking for a bit. Yes y/n is pretty but I haven't seen her the last 10 years. I don't know her as she is now.

Which I why we're gonna get to know her better.

Umm who are you?

Consider me you helper. Im gonna help you with y/n.

Ummm I don't think I need help.

.......suuurrreeeeee you don't.

Great now I have a new voice in my head who wants to help me.


1235 words

Yay another chapter 😁.
This was actually kinda fun.
Lemme know what ya think about camilos pov.

Every time I type camilo auto correct wants to change it to family.... The annoyance I'm feeling rn bc of auto correct lol

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