Chapter 11

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Y/n pov

"What! We have to move again? I thought we staying here for good!" You yell at your parents.

"I know, we were planning to but then something took an unexpected turn" your dad tells you calmly.

You can't believe it. You have to move again. You have to say good bye to Mirabel... And Camilo! No you don't want to go. Things were going so well between you and Camilo.

"When are we leaving?" You ask with tears in your eyes.

"Tomorrow morning" you mum says.

"What! I won't have any chance of saying goodbye!" You start crying.

Your dad walks away and says under his breath. "Thats the point".

"Now y/n go to bed and get some sleep. You'll feel better in the morning." Mum tells you pushing you towards your room then gives you a kiss on your head then walks away to her room.

You just stand outside you room in shock. Then you hear talking coming from your parents room.

"I wish we didn't make that stupid deal!"

It was your mum. And she was...crying? What is she going on about a deal?

"You know we couldn't have done that. But now we have to run because we didn't keep our end of the deal." Your dad says trying to counsel his wife.

You walk into your room thinking about what you just heard

You put on a nightie and sit on your bed.

What am I doing staying here? I need to go see Camilo!

You get up and run to your window and look out. There's a vine that might be strong enough to hold you. You climb down it and run towards the Madrigal house.


I know its short but I need a filler chapter to get the ball rolling

!!!DISCONTINUED!!!!!Camilo x readerWhere stories live. Discover now