Chapter 14

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Y/n pov

Y/n woke up and saw nothing But darkness. She was lying on a cold dark floor.

How did I get here?

You start to sit up when you feel weight on your arms. You lift them up to find out  what it is and see chains on your arms.

What happened to me?

Wait I think I'm remembering.


Earlier that day

You woke up that morning like any other morning and got ready for the day.
Today you were organizing the house since it hasn't been since You've arrived.

Your parents don't seem to be up yet which is a bit weird, but maybe acting all weird tired them out?

After quickly eating breakfast you start your work. Doing the Kitchen first, you emptied the boxes full of kitchen hardware and started putting them in the cupboards and draws. When you finished the kitchen you moved on to the living room. You emptied a box of books and out them on a shelf nicely. Found an old vase and washed it out.

Ill go get some flowers for that later.

You swept and moped the floors, and  freshen the cushions.

You look up the stairs.

My parents never sleep in this late. I'm going to check on them.

You walk up the stairs and towards there door. You knock and wait for a answer. No answer came so you knocked again. Nothing. You decide to call them through the door.

"mum, dad. You guys In here?" You ask

No answer

Right that's it, I'm going in

You open there door expecting to see your parents in bed, but that's not what you see. The bed us empty and nicely made. You look around the room.

Where are they?!

Why would they leave the house without me knowing?

You spot something on there desk

Uh oh

You walk over to the desk and find that there is a letter on it. You pick it up and read to envelope.

To our darling y/n

Is this what I think it is?... Don't tell me its what I think it is!

you open it up and read the letter

Y/n we are so sorry that you had to find out this way...
Remember when we were struggling awhile back? Well a man came along and offered us money to help us as long as we did something for him.

Oh what did you do

We were told to destroy the magic candle and make the Madrigal's powerless. When we failed to do so we offered to pay the money back but the boss wouldn't let us. He said he had to make us pay for not completing our side of the bargain. We're  sorry for leaving but we thought you would be safer without us there for the time being until we can sought this out.
We are so sorry for what we have done.
We love you loads.

Mom and dad

You didn't know how to react. You were speechless. But you did know one thing. You had to let Camilo know.
You grabbed a piece of paper from the desk and some ink and wrote a letter for Camilo. Once you finished it you put it in an envelope with the address and ran downstairs to get your coat and shoes on to go to the post office to send it.

After you arrived at the post office you posted the letter and started walking home. You felt someone staring at you so you turned around to see who but saw no one.
Then all of a sudden you felt someone grab you by the waist and pull you into an alley. You started kicking and tried screaming but the disgusting hand was covering you mouth. Then another guy came out of the shadows with a rag in his hand and put it to your nose.

No hold your breath y/n.

You held your breath for as long as you could till you were sure you were going to die and took a breath in as well as the gas.

Then all you saw after was darkness...


Hey guys. Sorry for taking ages 😅.

Hope this chapter was ok.

Lemme know what you guys n think of the story.

Also there bit going to be many chapters left.

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