Chapter 7

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Hey guys. I'm gonna be really lazy and skip a bit of time for a couple of reasons.

1 I'm just lazy

2 I have no idea what to right

3 Camilo and y/n can't see each other EVERYDAY...well they can but I don't want them to.

Btw I went back and re-read my story to find errors (there was quite a few) and I cringed. I felt like it was going a bit fast and it was just poorly done which I apologize for. I'm going to try a take it a bit slower now.

Also Mirabel has found the vision and Isabella's engagement has gone wrong and its the day after.

I hope you guys don't mind if I change the story slightly. Like pretend that more days go by in the movie.


Camilo's pov

   So its been a busy few days. Antonio has been trying to help people with his new animal friends and Isabella's engagement went wrong because Mirabel found a vision and everyone found out and then the cracks came back and it was just terrible.
And now on top of that Abuela wants to talk to Mirabel, but Mirabel is gone so I am currently looking for her. I've looked everywhere, but she seems to have vanished. Maybe y/n can help? Ill go ask.

  I haven't seem y/n in a couple of days since the ceremony.

I start walking towards her house when I her a scream

"Help someone help me!"

I start running towards the voice and I follow it to and alley. A poor older woman is being robbed!

"Leave her alone!" I yelled to the bandits.

"what are you gonna do about kid? You can't take all of us on" one guy said with a scar on his face.

"Well lets find out shall we?" I shape shift into luisa and start throwing punches.

Ok so I've never actually fought before. How hard can I be?

As soon as I say the I get punched in the face.

"Aw has little baby got an boo boo?" Another guy says in a mocking voice.

By now the old lady has seized her moment to run away. Good for her.

I get back into fighting position and go for the guy closest. I take him by surprise and beat him up.

One down three to go.

A guy jumps on my back and gets me in a head lock while another repeatedly punches my stomach.

Man this really hurts. How do people do this for a living?

You grab the guy on you back and fling him over your shoulder and Into the guy in front.

Almost done.

You turn around to get the last guy, but he's gone.

That's weird

Must of been afraid of my amazing fighting skills.

You shape shift back into you and go to walk when you feel an immense pain in your stomach.

"Ah that really hurts" you say as you lift up your shirt and see a big bruise forming.
You can also feel your eye puffing up.

I'm so close to y/n's house so I'll go to her.

You start walking towards her house again  wincing with every step. When you get to
y/n's you knock on the door and lean against the door frame.

You hear footsteps coming towards the door.

"Camilo what are you- Camilo what happened to your face!" She yells at you as she pulls you inside.

"I was on my way here when an old lady was being mugged by some bandits" you as she gets you to sit on a chair in the kitchen.

"Camilo that was very brave of you...but you still should have gotten some more help!" She walks back to the kitchen and grabs some ice and wraps it in a cloth.

As she walks back you see that she's wearing an apron that's covered in flour.

"Was you baking?" You ask as she place the ice on your eye.

"Don't change the subject!" she pokes you stomach right where the bruise is.

You try not to show that it hurt but you still winced.

She stares at you in confusion then she seems to get it.

"I am so sorry Camilo!" she told me.

She raised me shirt to see the bruise.

"Oh my...Camilo that's a huge bruise!" She says in shock.

"its fine I'll just eat something Tia has made and it will heal" you tell her.

"Ok but let me come with you in case you decide to go hero again."

So you both walk back and Tia gives you some food that fixes you up.

"There I feel much better. Thanks tia!" You say to julieta

"your welcome" she gives you a warm smile.

Julieta walks out of the kitchen.

"So what was you coming over to mine for?" Y/n asks walking to stand in front of me.

"Well Mirabel is missing and I was wondering if you could help me find her?" You ask as you rub the back of your head.

"Mirabel is missing? Of course I'll help. Lets go look for her" she says running out of the kitchen.

That's one of the things I love about y/n. Is that she's always ready to help someone just like Mirabel. That's probably why they get on so well.

You run to go catch up with her. When you do you see her hugging Mirabel.

Well that didn't take long.

"Mirabel where have you been everyone is looking for you...well not everyone but your parents, mom and dad, and I" you say to her.

"Sorry I didn't mean to worry everyone, but right now I have to do something important" and with that she walks into Isabella's room.

What!? She can't stand Isabella.

"Why is she going into Isabella's room?" You say out loud.

"lets go find out!" Y/n grabs my hand and we sneak towards Isabella's door.

1000 words

I'm so tried.

So most of that stuff just came out of nowhere lol.

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