Chapter 12

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A/n: This is a very gory chapter!! Please read at your own discretion! I will put a small summary at the end of the chapter for those who don't whish to read all the gory shit. I will put a few # where it starts to get gory and some more where it ends.

~(Y/n)'s P.O.V~

'Proxies and (Y/n) to my office please,' Slender's voice echoed through my head.

I sighed, stood up from my bed, and threw on my black hoodie before walking down to Slender's office. I was in the middle of a really nice nap and was not happy about being woken up. I walked in and sat down in a chair between Hoodie and Toby.

"What's goin on Slender?" I asked in the middle of a yawn.

'Well, now that we're all here and awake, there's something really important I have to discuss with you, (Y/n). You have been living here for about two weeks now and in that time, you have become exceptional at fighting. Your training has really begun to pay off. That's why I believe it is finally time for you to go on a mission.' He gave off a very enthusiastic aura and "smiled" down at me.

"You really think so? I can finally go?!" I nearly screamed with excitement. My first mission! I was more than ready after being stuck here for what felt like a million years.

'Yes, you can finally go,' Slender chuckled. 'Before I can give you your mission, you must pick a proxy to accompany you. For your first few missions, you will not be allowed to go alone just in case an issue occurs.'

"Okay," I said. I sat in silence for a moment before making my decision. "Hoodie, would you like to come with me?"

"Absolutely," he answered.

'Perfect. Here are your mission details.' Slender handed me a yellow folder filled with papers. 'I expect you to leave tonight and have your mission completed within two days. You're all dismissed'

~Time skip~

Hoodie and I spent the afternoon reading through the folder. My target was Regina, my old tormentor. We agreed that Slender had done it on purpose, knowing that it'd be easier for my first kill to be someone I hated.

"We should probably get going soon. The sun's starting to set," Hoodie said. He stood up and held his hand out to me.

I grabbed it and pulled myself up. "What should I bring?" I asked.

"Your weapon and maybe a change of clothes. Snacks would be good too. Meet me outside when you're ready," he said before disappearing to his room.

I went to my room and pulled my backpack out of my closet. I put a fresh change of clothes inside along with the box of fruit gushers I kept hidden in my nightstand. I quickly learned that if you wanted to keep a snack to yourself here, it had to be hidden from everyone, even Masky.

I grabbed the baseball bat leaning against the wall next to my bed and headed out the door. During training, I was given a wide variety of weapons to choose from, but the metal baseball bat was my favorite. The business end was wrapped in barbed wire and splattered with neon paint. It made such a satisfying ting sound when it came in contact with whatever I aimed for. I knew it would sound even better when it connected with Regina's skull.

I met Hoodie by the front door. "Are you ready?" he asked.

"Ready as I'll ever be," I breathed out.

"Hey, (Y/n)," Masky's voice came from behind me. I turned to see him hiding something behind his back. "I want to give you a little something before you go. It's not much, and you can change it as much as you want when you get back, but I figured this would do for now." He handed me a black mask splattered with paint to match my bat.

Me? Sarcastic? Never. (Masky x Non-binary reader x Hoodie)Where stories live. Discover now