Chapter 1

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~(Y/N) P.O.V.~


I slammed my hand onto my alarm clock and, quite literally, rolled out of bed. 'Well, I guess it's time to get ready to go to hell. Again,' I thought as I picked myself up from the floor. I started walking to my closet to get my clothes for school.


"AHH! SHIT! MAN DOWN! MAN DOWN!" I yelled after I stubbed my pinky toe on the nightstand near my bed. I quickly sat down to check my toe. "NOOOO! He was just a baby! WHY CRUEL WORLD?!" I shouted. My toe was red and slightly swollen.

"(Y/N)? Are you ok?" I heard the faint sound of my mom's voice call from outside of my door.

"Yeah. Just stubbed my pinky toe," I told her.

"Alright. Just hurry up and get dressed. I made (favorite breakfast food)."

As soon as I heard that I jumped up and ran to my closet. I pulled out my (F/C) hoodie, black jeans, (F/C) tank top, and, you know, the "under garments". I threw on my clothes and ran to the bathroom to brush my hair. After that I put on some eyeliner and mascara because I felt like adding that extra bit of pizazz. I then quickly brushed my teeth and hurried to the dining room.

"About time," my mom said as I ran to the table. "Your food was getting cold/warm.

"Thanks mom," I said before quickly eating my food. I probably looked like a piranha.

HONK! Oh shit! The bus is here!

"Gotta run," I said as I grabbed my backpack off of the floor and ran outside to catch the bus. 'Thank God. Just in time,' I thought as I got on the bus. My mom is pretty cool, but you don't want to make her mad, and missing the bus makes her mad. I took the one person seat at the back of the bus since most of the people on the bus refused to let me sit with them. They probably don't like the fact that I listen to my music through my earbuds too loud and tend to keep to myself. Now that I'm sitting here alone, I start getting lost in my thoughts.


"It's ok to cry, sweetie," my mom said as we looked down at the open casket. My father lied in the casket in a black suit. He almost looked like he was sleeping, but, even though I was only 12, I knew better. He wasn't sleeping. He had taken a walk to calm down after he and my mom had a fight. He didn't come back. The next morning his body was found in the woods outside of my house. The cops said that it looked like someone had taken an axe to his neck. I turned around, hugged my mom, and cried as hard as I could. I swore that I would catch the person responsible and rip them limb from limb.

~flashback over~

"Hey, freak! We're at the school. It's time to get off," someone said as they ripped my earbud out of my ear. I look up to see the nastiest bitch I've ever had the displeasure of meeting, Regina. Her sidekicks, Gretchen and Karen, blocked the aisle behind her. (Get the reference?)

"Well, thank you for telling me. You can fuck off now," I said as I stood up from my seat. Regina was still blocking my path.

"The only reason I said anything was because the bus driver wouldn't let me off until I told you to get off," Regina said in a snotty tone.

"I know," I said, "I understand that you don't have the emotional capacity to think of anyone but yourself unless it could get you in trouble. Now, get the fuck out of my way."

They just stood there in shock. "You're going to regret that, you stupid freak," Regina said. "Let's go, girls. If we stay here too long, we'll catch their stupid."

"Really. That's the best you've got?" I said while I followed them off the bus. That went surprisingly well. Usually, they trip me, then they kick me repeatedly until one of their heels draws blood. Yeah, I'm not very popular. I don't have any friends, but that's fine. I mean, who needs friends when you've got internet and food?

~time skip, first hour~

I sit next to the window in (least favorite class). I hate this class. It's like the teacher is speaking a whole different language. I wish I was at home. Then I'd be able to just eat some (f/f) and watch (fav show). But nope, I have to go to prison. I sigh as I look out the window. Outside there were a bunch of trees, a few bushes, a random person in a tree staring at me, a few birds flying. Wait, a random person in a tree staring at me (hey that rimes). I quickly look back at the person. They looked like a guy. He was wearing a yellow hoodie and a ski mask with stitched red eyes and a red frown. 'Turn that frown upside down,' was the first thing that popped in my head. It was something my dad always told me when I was sad.

"-(l/n). Mx.(l/n)!"

"What did I do!?" I said as I snapped back into reality.

"Were you even listening?" my teacher asked.

"No," I answered.

"You need to start paying attention. Now as I was saying-"

Like I said, a whole different language. I looked outside again. The weird guy was gone.

~time skip, after school~

I'm finally home after a very long bus ride. My phone died, so I couldn't drown out the kids screaming, fighting, and throwing things.

I walked into my house and shut the door. "HONEY, I'M HOME," I yelled as loud as I could. I walked into the kitchen and set my backpack on the table. I immediately went to the fridge to get a snack. On the fridge was a note.

Dear (y/n),

I got called into work. There's (f/f) in the fridge. I won't be home until 11:30. Don't stay up late and don't go outside. Make sure to lock the doors and windows before you go to bed. Don't make a giant mess. Also, can you please do the dishes? Thank you.



I immediately start doing the dishes. I know that if I don't do it now I'll never do it. I am a huge procrastinator. After doing the dishes, I started to get ready to take a walk. I know my mom said not to, but that just makes me want to go even more. I grabbed my 100% charged phone and left. I walked the trail that led through the woods behind my house. I know that's where my dad was killed, but I don't care. The trail was too gorgeous this time of year to pass up walking on.

I kept walking until I heard a twig snap. I quickly looked around. Nothing.

"Ok, that's suspicious. Time to go home." I turned to leave when another twig snapped. Down the trail behind me, about 30 feet away, stood a man.

He was wearing a white mask with black lips and black eye holes. He had dark brown hair with fluffy looking sideburns and was wearing a yellow, blood stained jacket. In his gloved hands was a crowbar.

We stood staring at each other for a few minutes. I turned around, held my hands up, and started walking home.

"Nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope," I repeated until I got home.

I finally got back around sunset. I walked through the house, locking the windows and doors. I even locked the basement door.

"Not today, strange man," I said to myself. Then I changed into my pjs and went to bed.

Me? Sarcastic? Never. (Masky x Non-binary reader x Hoodie)Where stories live. Discover now