Chapter 10

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~(Y/n)s P.O.V.~

'First we will test your strength.' Slender snapped his fingers and a table and two chairs appeared. 'I know it's not entirely necessary for me to see your strength, but everyone else will be upset if I give you special treatment,' Slender chuckled. I'm assuming he said the last part directly to me because no else seemed to react to his comment.

I instantly understood the test. I'm gonna be arm wrestling. I sat at the table and placed my elbow on it. Slender motioned to Toby.

Toby sat across from me and wrapped his hand around mine. I winced a little bit and prayed that nobody noticed.

'I'm pretty sure that you all know the rules. No removing your elbow from the table, no foul play, whoever touches the table with their hand loses. Ready, set, go.'

Toby and I struggled for about two seconds before I slammed his hand onto the table. I could feel Slender smile again.

'Good. Now, let's try your left hand.'

Toby shook out his hand then placed his other elbow on the table. I switched elbows and wrapped my hand around his.

'Ready, set, go.'

I instantly slammed his hand on the table. Must've been his weak hand.

Slender nodded in approval and motioned for Hoodie.

Hoodie walked over and wrapped his hand around mine. I blushed slightly. Slender counted down and we started wrestling for dominance. Hoodie is two times as strong as Toby, so it took a little longer for me to win, but I did it. We switched hands and did it again. I won, obviously.

Next was Masky. Now I'm a little concerned. My karate chopping hand was starting to throb and I could tell that it was bleeding. 'It's okay,' I thought. 'Just this last one.'

He wrapped his hand around mine and squeezed it slightly. I looked into his blue eyes and I knew he was very determined not to lose. Oh shhhhiiiiiiiittttttt. I am so fucked! Slender counted down and we struggled for dominance. He squeezed my hand really tight. Ow ow ow ow fuck fuck fuck shit shit shit.

My hand slowly started going toward the table. 'No,' I thought,'I will NOT lose. I REFUSE to lose.' I felt a surge of energy flood through me. This bitch is going down. I slammed his hand down so hard I almost broke the table. Fuck yeah! I won! We did the other arm and I won again.

'Good job. Now for your last test of strength. Me,' said Slender.

Well, fuck me! This is gonna hurt like hell. I switched arms and prepared for the worst.

Slender wrapped his hand around mine. Masky counted down and we started to wrestle for dominance. This hurt ten times worse than wrestling with Masky. I was losing, fast. Just one more surge of energy. Come on, (y/n). You've got this. I felt another surge of energy go through me, but this time it was a lot stronger. I slammed Slender's hand down on the table. I jumped up and cheered.

"Yeah! Take that! I won! That's right!" I cheered and did a little dance. After a few seconds I noticed everyone staring at me. And I mean everyone. Every window in the mansion had a staring face in it.

I started to feel very small. I felt like a bug under a magnifying glass with a bunch of children watching me. My hands started to sweat. "Why is everyone staring at me?" I asked.

"Everyone here has gone through this, but your the only person that has ever beat Slender," Hoodie said in an almost whisper.

I heard the back door creak open. I turned round to see Jeff, followed by everyone else. It was silent for a second before Jeff started clapping. Everyone slowly followed his actions until everyone ran out of the house cheering for me. Hoodie and Masky lifted me onto their shoulders.

"(Y/n)! (Y/n)! (Y/n)!" Everyone chanted. Slender was still sitting at the table, "looking" at his hand. Would now be a good time to mention that I did that with an injured hand?

Everyone fell silent. "You did what?!" Masky asked.

"Oops. Did I say that out loud?" I asked.

Everyone cheered ten times louder. I swear if Slender had eyes, he'd be bawling.

"Take that, old man! Your reign of arm wrestling terror is over!" Jeff yelled. Everyone cheered even louder at that.

'That is enough! Everyone, back inside! Now!' Slender yelled.

Everyone groaned before heading back inside.

"How did you injure your hand?" Masky asked after everyone had left.

"Remember how I karate chopped you in the face this morning?" I asked.

"Yeah," he said.

"Well, your mask pinched me so hard that it left a giant cut in my hand," I said.

He stayed silent for a second. "Why did you lie me?"

"I-I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I'm not used to people caring for me. I've always had to take care of myself, with my mom working almost all the time. Besides, I really wanted to start training today and I wasn't sure if Slender would let me if he knew I was injured."

"Show me," Masky said, sticking out his hand. His voice cold. It was very easy to tell how pissed he was at me.

I took off my gloves and unwrapped the bloody gauze on my hand. I placed my hand in his. He held my hand up to his face. It looked a lot worse than it did this morning. The cut was a lot deeper than I thought and could probably use some glue or maybe even stitches.

"That looks awful. We should get you to the infirmary. Is that okay, Slender?" Masky asked.

'Go right ahead,' he said. He sounded lost in thought. He was still staring at his hand. I guessed he couldn't accept the fact that he finally lost.

Masky walked me into the house and down to the basement. When we got down there, I saw Dr. Smiley wrapping a bandage around Jeff's head and BEN repeatedly apologizing.

"What'd you do, knucklehead?" I chuckled.

"I beat BEN at Mario Kart, so he chucked the remote at me!" Jeff exclaimed.

"I said I was sorry!" BEN said.

I just laughed and walked past them to Eyeless Jack. "What'd you do?" E.J. asked.

"I karate chopped Masky in the face this morning and apparently the cut it left was worse than I thought," I explained.

"Lemme have a look," E.J. said. He gently brought my hand to his face and inspected it thoroughly, even though he had no eyes. "Since I can't see, I trained my other senses to be in top shape. Now, I have the nose of a bloodhound. I can smell some infection, but I'll have to get a second opinion," he told me. "Hey, Smiley!" he called out.

"What?" Smiley asked, walking over.

"Does this look infected to you?" E.J. asked.

"A little. Some antibiotic cream wouldn't hurt, but I think you should prioritize how deep the gash is before anything else. It definitely needs either stitches or glue," Smiley answered and walked away.

E.J. walked over to a cupboard and opened it. It was filled with prescription medication. He pulled out a suture kit and various other medical supplies. He felt the gash before determining that stitches weren't necessary and medical glue would do just fine. He disinfected the wound, glued it back together, wrapped it up, and sent me back to training.

"I'm sorry for lying to you, Masky," I muttered as we headed back upstairs.

"It's ok. I used to do the same thing when I was hurt," he admitted. "But, now that you're one of us, you can't hide something like that. We take care of each other and ask for help. Don't be afraid to admit when you're feeling weak, because caring for each other is what makes us strong, if that makes sense. I don't know, I'm just rambling at this point." He chuckled and lead me through the back door.

"It'll take some getting used to, but I'll try to reach out next time," I told him.

"Right now, that's good enough for me. I'm just happy you're willing to try." He looked down at me and the creases around his eyes revealed the smile hiding behind his mask.

Me? Sarcastic? Never. (Masky x Non-binary reader x Hoodie)Where stories live. Discover now