Act 2, Scene 1 - The Plan

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Gulls squawk high above the heads of people on the dock, waves sloshing and the hum of chatter from eagerly awaiting passengers ready to board the ship —The Noahtic.

The beautiful cruise liner is tied to the dock with the gangplank attached to the side with a queue full of people, happily conversing. The ship stands tall, dark grey in colour with a strip of white along the top and the name 'Noahtic' painted on it. Lifeboats line the top deck, along with a pair of large, copper and black coloured chimneys and two main masts.

Gazing up at the fine ship from the dock is William Moriarty, shiny blonde hair swaying in the breeze beneath his black top hat. His usual nonchalant expression is plastered on his face, his ruby eyes glistening with smugness as he mulls over his thoughts.


The blonde turns his head, a smile appearing on his face as he spots his older brother walking over, an auburn-haired female dressed in blue by his side.

"Albert," William takes a step towards the pair. "Glad to see you."

"Same to you, brother," Albert gestures to the female, William noticing the sparkle in his emerald gaze as he introduces her. "This is Miss Eleanor Williams. Eleanor, this is my brother, William."

"Ah, this is the lovely lady you extended an invite to," William acknowledges her.


The group collects around the table, a quiet and docile Louis standing to the side, pushing his glasses further up his nose, blonde hair parted over his right cheek. There's a cool and confident, dark and unruly haired Moran sitting at a chair, leaning on the table. Calm and serious, a jet-black haired Fred crouches on a stool, his short frame withdrawn into himself. Albert sits next to him, elbow on the arm on the chair, hand resting against the side of his face. Stood before them is William, eyes scanning the group, as he points to the blueprints of the Noahtic ship that are taped to the wall.

"I gather everyone is clear on the plan?"

They all send him firm nods, Moran raising a question. "William, you're sure this plan will set the rest of your mission into motion? Your goal of improving the country?"

William places his hands on the table, leaning forward slightly. "Moran, this country is rife with the nobility that looks down upon the lower classes, believing that they aren't worthy of the same treatment, or at least better treatment than they already receive."

Sharing a look with his younger brother, Albert cocks an eyebrow, his lip tugging up into a sly grin.

"And our actions will set off a chain reaction?" Moran queries.

William raises a finger. "Not at first. This won't happen overnight but this is all strategic and carefully thought out. All these actions will fit together in the long run —we're playing the long game."

"The long game..." Fred mutters.

"As Will said, we are separating the good from the bad —right from wrong," Albert adds. "We will be the Robin Hood's of Britain, rescuing the less fortunate from damnation set about by the overprivileged."

Moran nods. "I trust you, William. Throughout all of this, if my life needs to be put on the line, I will gladly let it. I know Fred feels the same."

"I'm glad to hear it," William buttons his blazer. "Those people must be held accountable for their actions."

"It's a ripple effect," Albert tells them.

Nodding his head in agreement with his brother, William glances between the group. "If there are no further questions then we'll finish up and part ways for the evening."

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