On The Road

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For the past few, weeks, we've been on the move. Rick wants to visit Fort Bennett or something that sounds like that. Daryl got on his bike, but I wasn't allowed to ride with him. Rick, Glenn, and Daryl all agree that continuing is too hazardous. I had to drive with Glenn in the RV together. When we arrived to the highway, the RV stopped working. Rick instructed us to look around and recover everything we could from the cars. Glenn and I were dragged beneath a truck by Shane. Who was waiting for anything to happen. Suddenly, a large number of walkers began to enter. Glenn hugged me and told me to be quite and wait for them to leave. We got out from under the truck once we've gotten out from under the truck. As we walked to the group, Glenn held my hand, and we learned that Sophia had ran into the woods, and Rick had chased her down. Rick reappeared, accompanied by Daryl, Shane, and Glenn.       

Time skip

Carl wanted to come and find Sophia with Rick and Idalia wanted to come with them to.
We're stumbling through the woods, looking for Sophia. Rick and Carl discovered a deer. Carl and I started walking towards it. But as we came closer, I noticed a man with a gun, and when the bullet went off, I shoved Carl out of the way. I looked at Carl to see whether he was all right, but I felt something dropping on my shirt. I noticed blood on my shirt when I looked down. Everything began to get black, and my eye began to close.

Rick's POV

A gunshot was heard. Carl was shoved out of the way by Idalia. She collapsed all of a sudden. Shane and I dashed over to her. We were heating something up when a man appeared from the bushes. I picked Idalia up bridal Style and yelled at the man. He said, Where is this guy named Hershel? and that he will assist her. We dashed over to Hershel. Carl was immediately behind me, and Shane was in the rear with the other guy. We arrived at the location. An elderly gentleman inquired whether she had been bitten, but I informed him that she had been shot by his men. We hurried into a great room to place her.

"Is she alive?" I tried asking him.
"Is she alive?" I asked again to him.

He's telling me to put pressure on her wound to stop the bleed.

"I've got a heart beat." He told me. I've never been so scared in my life. There telling me to leave the room so they can fix her. I leave the room to find Carl sitting on the sofa with tiers down his checks. I got to Carl and told him she's going to be fine with these people. But all he could do was nod to me. We heated Shane shout from out side. I get up and walk out the house.

"She's alive? She still alive?" The man asked. I couldn't answer I was to shocked about what just happened. My little girl just got shot. I can't believe I just called her my little girl. I came out of my head to find Shane wiping blood of my face. I had to get back in there for her and for Carl.

I walked back in the house with Shane on my tail.

"You know her blood type?" Hershel asked. She once told me what it was when she was having one of her rants with me one time.

"A positive. Same as mine." I told him.

"Don't wonder far I might need you." He told me. He asked what happened and the guy told him what happened. Apparently the built broke in to pieces in her.

"Daryl and Glenn don't know and Lori."

Time skip

A woman opened the door telling me she needs blood. Once I walk in she's shouting in agony. Hershel's telling Shane to hold her down with the amount of movement she's doing.

When I was giving her blood all the shouting stopped.

" She just pasted out." He told Shane and I.

Sorry this chapter is a bit short it was kind of rushed today but I promise the neck one will be longer then this one.

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