A better place

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Preiously on the their innocent baby girl 

"What the hell are you guys doing." A voice next to us said. We turned to see papa looking at is with wide eyes.

"Hi papa. Me and daddy had sex." I said. And papa's eyes went wider if that was even possible. 

"Can we go again please but this time with papa." I asked them. 


Rick's POV 

What would someone do if they were in my shoes? Should I say "Lets do it" or "no" let her rest. I'm going to leave her to rest, I believe. I don't want her to experience any additional suffering.

"Not right now love, you have to rest but after you're all better we can alright." I didn't want her to get upset but I didn't turn her down either. 

Time skip

It's been a couple of week and it's been good. Everyone is liking it here. The walkers haven't bothered us for a long time and we've gained more people in out group. Lori had her baby thanks to Hershel and Carol that helped her along the way. Carl got to name her and he chose Judith to me I think it's an okay name but it's not my child so I can't say much. Idalia and Carl are growing up so fast  and motoring so well. Idalia still gets her little space and Daryl and I always enjoy when she's in her little space and more people are excepting of her being in her little space. 

We have lost people along the way but that's just they way it goes and we learn from our mistake. Maggie and Glenn have had a child as well they named him Hershel Rhee after Hershel. Glenn and Idalia have gotten close as well his more of an older brother to her. I haven't seen her so happy, it just makes me proud of what we have achieved to get here.

Idalia helps use when we go out for a supply runs just incase something happens. You know when she changes she kills the walkers that get too close to use if we don't pay attention. We've gotten used to it and we tell the new comers about it and that she knows how to control it so they don't have to worry. 


I just want to say Thank you for everyone who read my story and liked them. I so happy to say this is the end of the story and hopefully you will like my other stories to come. 

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