Do right by Dale

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Idalia's POV

 Carl's outburst was the final straw. Around the fire, we all sat. Daddy Daryl sat next to us, while I sat on Daddy Rick's lap. Everyone is engaged with their own activities. My daddies and I are enjoying each other's company.

"Daddy, you know that knife we saw in the station and you said you'd keep it." I told Rick. 

"Yes, love I remember. Why what's wrong love."

"I was just thinking, if it's okay if I have it." I asked while trying to give him puppy eyes.

"I'll have to talk to Daryl about it first okay love." I turned to look at daddy Daryl and gave him my puppy dog eyes. 

"We'll have to teach you how to use it and remember the knife isn't a toy you play with okay darling. But Rick is right we have to talk about it a bit more." Daryl went and said. 

"Why don't you play with Carl for a bit." Daddy Rick said. I got up and ran to Carl and we played for a bit but got interrupted by someone screaming. Everyone got up and ran to there the noise was coming from. Carl and I had to go in the farm house. 

Rick's POV

We all raced to where we heard someone cry from a distance. We arrived to find Dale on the floor, with a walker on top of him, slicing him in half.  We killed the walker by removing it from Dale's body. I questioned with Hershel about bringing Dale to the farm house.

"He won't make it to the farm." He told me. 

"We're going to have to do the operation here then."

"RICK!" I look back at Hershel. He just shock his head no. That's when I knew that he won't make it to the farm house. 

"He's suffering."Andrea cried out. 

I knew what I needed to do, but to be honest, I didn't want to. I got down on my knees and pointed my gun at him, preparing to fire. But I couldn't do it because it makes me feel like it's my fault when Dale is looking at me. Daryl swooped in and took over, topping me from doing what I was going to do.

Daryl's POV

Watching Rick pointing his gun at Dale and watching him not going though it so I did it for him. So I got down on my knees and got the gun ready.

"I'm sorry." I told him and I shot him.                        

Idalia's POV

When Rick and Daryl got back, they went right to me. When they reached closer, they looked gloomy. Rick kneeled in front of me, while Daryl sat next to me. Their sadness made me  sad. I didn't know what to say because I didn't want them to become angry and yell at me. So I just placed my hand on Rick's hand and rested my head on Daryl's shoulder.

"Sweetheart, me and Daryl have to tell you something." Rick came out and said. All I could do was nod my head.

"We won't be seeing Dale anymore sweetheart."Rick told me. I lifted my head off of Daryl's shoulder to look at Rick.

"Why not. Did we do something wrong for him to leave us." I asked with tires coming down my face."

"No, love we didn't do anything to make him leave. It's just something bad has happened to Dale and we can't do anything to help."Daryl said while sipping my tires away. 

"So his gone to heaven?"I asked them. All they did was nod their heads this time. 

"Did those bad things get him or something." I asked again.

"Yes, love but they not come for you. You know why?" Daryl said. I just shock my head not knowing what his talking about.

"Because me and Daryl will be there to save you so you don't have to worry about anything okay love."Rick said while pulling me in for a hug. Once we finished our hug Daryl asked who's tent do I want to sleep in for the night. 

"Came I stay with daddy Rick please?" I asked. 

'Of course you can love." Rick told me.

Time skip

We had a funeral for Dale. It was sad, but now his up in heaven with the angels and their treating him nice up there and he gets to see Jim, Jacqui and Sophia. 

Daddy Rick made a speech about Dale. I didn't listen much to it, I just couldn't believe that his gone. 

Time Skip 

Everyone started to pack their things and taking them to the trucks. I got up to daddy Rick and tugged on his sleeve to get his attention. 

"What's wrong love?" Daddy Rick asked. While getting on his knees. 

"Are we leaving Daddy?" I look at his with tires starting to fall down my cheek. 

"No, love we're just moving into the Greene's house so it will be safer for all of us. What would you think we would be leaving?" 

"Because everyone is packing up. I just though we are leaving." I say looking down making a fool of myself in front of everyone. Daddy Rick placed his hand on my chin any lifted it up a bit. 

"Don't worry love we're going no where just yet okay, so don't worry. Why don't you go and pack  some of you're things, there still in my tent and you can put you're bag in this truck okay love." Daddy Rick said while patting the truck showing while one I need to put my bag in.

I was about to leave when I remembered about the knife I asked about daddy Rick and daddy Daryl. 

"Daddy what about my knife? Did you and daddy Daryl talk about it yet." I looked back at daddy. 

"I'll talk to him when we get to the house okay love." he told me. I just nodded and ran to our tent and got all my things and put it in the truck. 

Holding hands with daddy Rick while he was talking to Hershel about Shane. I didn't listen much because it's Shane and I don't like him much. His scary and mean to daddy Daryl and his starting to be mean to daddy Rick. And he made fun of me , for being a little. 


Please vote and comment. I would like some thoughts on what you want to happen in the next chapter and in future chapters. -Author. 

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