Going in

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I'm sorry i've been off for so long. My nephew was born a week ago and we found to there was some problems and he had to go and have surgery but thankfully his all right now and his doing great in recovery and hopefully be home in the next couple of week. But I will try and post more chapters it just might be slower than usual.

And I've disided that Rick id going to be Papa and Daryl is going to be Daddy just to make it easier for hopefully all of us when I writing and when you read. And I'm hoping this chapter is longer just to make up for the time I've been off. 


Rick's POV

Choose who will accompany us, what we will look for first, and the best course of action. Us as usual entered. ( Rick, Daryl, T-Dog, Glenn and Maggie). Getting ready to go in Hershel held the door for us to go in and closing it when we're all in ready to kill the walkers that come towards us and searching the facility. 

Idalia's POV

Waiting for Rick and Daryl to come back was killing me, like I was having a knife carving my heart out. I wasn't liking the feeling of it and just held on to Michonne until they get back and the more time they spent in there the more my heart was hurting and my head making all the wrong ideas that there gone. I know they're not they wouldn't leave me like that, they will come back to me and we can spend all the time together like we planed.  
Feeling Michonne's arms around me made me feel a bit better just knowing there is someone I trust so much other than Rick and Daryl to be there with me when their of making sure the place is good for all of us to stay in for how ever long that will be. 

Rick's POV

it's been a long time since I've been in a prison. And the place is like a maze finding all the rooms, the kitchen and the weapon room was bit of a challenge for us. With is being dark and the smell of death wasn't helping us. Killing walkers left, right and senter trying to say in formation.

We found the cell room and separated out of our formation and went of killing all the walkers that are roaming around and then killed the walkers in the cells. Daryl and I have cell key to lock the cell door at night or when we go out to look for more things tomorrow.

Collecting everybody from outside to get them in so we can start getting rid of the walkers outside and bringing them and the group can start to discuss were there going to sleep from now on.

Of course me, Daryl and Idalia are going to stay together like Daryl and I promised. But Daryl won't sleep in a cell and the cell beds are to small for the three of us so that's another thing to reconsider.

Idalia's POV

Seeing Rick come out of the prison made my hearts do cartwheels, I was so happy that his back and OK, but there was a part of me that sank when I didn't see Daryl with him.

I ran as fast as my little legs would let me go and start into Rick's arms and all the emotions came gushing out of me.

"What's wrong my love." Rick asked.

"W.. Where's D.. Daddy." I tried to say. I feel and hear papa chuckling and held me tighter.

"His alright love. His just in there helping everybody." He said while stocking my head. But all I could do was just nod.

Papa walked up to the cell we'll be staying it didn't look to bad but at the same time it could-of looked worse. Papa put me down while I'm still looking around the places. The way the sun light shines through here makes it so much brighter but I bet when it gets dark the place is pitch black that you can't see anybody in front of you that's how dark it'll be. 

Their Innocent Baby Girl (The Walking Dead)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ