Step two in justice for mari

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Avengers pov:

Working on getting things ready to help Tony's daughter and former lover get out of their situation especailly with the unforunate things they had to deal with also while keeping their emotions in tact at the same time while dealing with the emotional terrorist and a pathological liar running amuck .Tony then while having setting up updates on marinette's situation especailly anything regarding her asked jarvis to open the files on the ladyblog , files on marinette sofia isabella cheng , ladybug and the miraculous team , files of bugout, files on lila rossi and the files on the agrestes and tom dupain they all got started on since being informed of everything going on with tony's daughter for the past three and half years .
Seeing how she's been handling things with her team on top of the other things is miraculous and somewhat upsetting.

Across the ocean miles and miles away
Third pov .
A certain liar and brunette were plotting ways to make marinette suffer more especially the brunette who felt it was her duty to destroy everything our favorite blueberry had and loved . They felt it was their job to make her miserable and uncomfortable. Marinette already has to deal with hawkbitch and with Adrien and her " dad " trying to make her miserable things as they ab*se her it was getting harder to keep the akumas away and to keep fighting her emotions . That's a tough job especially when you're being attacked and insulted by those who you thought were your friends but turned out to be fake as fuck and accuse you of doing things you can't even think of doing yet there's no witnesses to back up such claims .

Chloe's pov
" Ugh ridiculous utterly fucking ridiculous " she screams in her mind , The day Nettie let's her emotions run free the day we are fucking screwed and the earth shatters because of these fucking idiots . We need to work to get Nettie out of this fucking environment otherwise all hell will break lose and I don't think we want that especially not mama Sabine .

Madam Bustier pov
" What's happening " she thinks to herself , Marinette is supposed to be an excellent role model for her peers and be the perfect person so they have an example for what to do but these past few years she has been causing trouble and messing with Lila , hurting her
I'm truly disappointed her Im also disappointed in her choices of friends
It seems I'm need a parent teacher conference with both Marinette and her parents because this behavior is unacceptable and it needs to change .
When I look at this class I see a class divided in two separate groups those who want to protect lila and seem to have animosity towards Marinette for hurting lila constantly and then those who want to protect Marinette and don't want to associate themselves with Lila and her friends .
When did my once perfect classroom become such an animosity filled classroom with tension thick .

An : I'm so against r@pe and ab*se
Tom's pov
" Ugh that girl I'm gonna punish her for not coming home and for still continuing to bully and harm lila , she's such a sweet girl until that bitch I have to call my daughter. , she's not even mine to begin with so why do I have to even care for her all she is a toy I use and leg my friends use as well to get some if their toys aren't working out for them as well .

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