CH-19.... The reason why

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"Bang...... Clank..... "

Sarah threw Wilson's whiskey glass on the floor. The glass didn't break but the whiskey flew over the carpet. The Galaxy even serves unbreakable glass?

"It was not because of him can you just shut up for God's sake." Sarah almost choked with tears.

Everyone were either shocked or confused, their heart almost stopped for a second from Sarah's roar. Lisa was the most freightened one. Is her sister throwing tantrums or did she really went too far this time?.

Henry sneered how can both the person can have the same hobby of throwing other person's glass of whiskey?

Helen eyes dropped a little in guilt it was her fault to invite outsiders in their reunion. She just wanted to live her last bachelor life with her friends and the person she loved the most. Things turned out in a different way though.

Sarah was more like a little cute kitten on their lives carefree wild and somewhat stupid. Andrew, Brandon, Cherry, Helen, Jason, Lisa and Wilson were like all elder brothers and sisters for her though she was only year or two younger from them.

Still they treated her as a child and teased her as they loved her deeply and wanted to protect her from outsiders.

The scene was nothing on the eyes of insiders but it was like a fuel to the fire for outsiders.
Henry's heart tensed up.

Sarah was about to cry don't know why, was it the effect of wine or her palpated heart, she hugged Wilson and sat on the position of a woman and man.

Her arms were tightly wrapped over his neck. As if she was trying to find some comfort and peace.

Wilson understood her thoughts.

Victor gave a proactive gaze to Calvin, who was still interpreting the situation as he didn't wanted to loose his face by acting weird in front of everyone.

As everyone were calmed and relaxed on the surface as if they knew what was going on.

Exactly, as Sarah was their wild orchid to whom they have raised for almost 5 years, right from the day they attend the same college.

Now the question was, who was the man?

"I don't know, I just felt like they were dating so I imagined, she was almost crying when I met her two days before. "

Lisa gestured waving both of her hands on air as she was almost done by the proactive gaze of everyone towards her.

Two days before?. Henry, Victor and Calvin looked at each other almost at the same time. Wasn't it the day when they went to boutique for dress?

Calvin face turned frosty by the thought. He stood up and went towards Sarah who was hiding herself in Wilson's chest.

Victor was almost wrapped in countless thought. Did she cried because of him? Does she also feel the same? Did she too remember their past?.... So on and on.

Calvin put forward his hand hoping to pull Sarah from Wilson's embrace, but the hand never touched her.

"Did you really bullied her?". Wilson grabbed Calvin's hand and looked at him in disgust. He was too angry and frustrated at the same time.

Sarah almost buried herself on the ground. Why was everyone so obsessed with Calvin who was not even in the picture?

"Guys Calvin never bullies me please stop blaming him". Sarah grabbed Wilson's hand which was grabbing Calvin's.

Soon the atmosphere dropped, Wilson loosened the grip and looked towards Sarah as if he was asking her the reason why she was crying at the first place.

"I was the one who made her cry. You can blame me for that". Victor husky voice came from the side.

Sarah felt a thunderstorm around her. Was he admitting his mistakes?. She wanted to pull him around the corner and say this wasn't the right time to admit it.

Those people around her will skin his flesh and bone for God's sake.

Soon everyone turned their head towards him.
Brandon was the first to stand up.

"So, it was you again?. Can't you just stay away from my sister. We had enough of you 4 years ago". Lisa stood up stomping her foot.

Everyone had a dark gaze on their eyes. Brandon went forward hoping to grab Victor's collar.

"Din't you had enough fun 4 years ago?. What do you want now. Aren't you ashamed of yourself, you already broke her heart once. Still, you want more?".

Andrew was the first to stand between Sarah, Wilson who was hugging her, Calvin who was just looking at everyone like a third party and Victor eyes were wide open from the word.

What? He broke her heart, wasn't it too outrageous to even say it.

"When did I broke her heart?. It was she who left me after having fun, isn't it Miss James?".
Victor was so angry that his veins were popping out. He couldn't resist himself now he dint care about the whole damm dignity of his. Did she deliberately said that to them?

"What?." Everyone said in unison. Sarah was the first to exclaim in shock.

She climbed down from Wilson's lap staggered a bit due to alcohol and walked straight towards Victor who was rubbing his temples from anger.

"Yes you were the one who broke my heart, saying that it was fun sleeping with me for heaven's sake."

Victor too came forward looked straight on her eyes, which were somewhat, red and swallowen. He raised his brows and spoke word by word.

"When did I said that?. Wasn't it you who said it was fun being with me and you don't want to cross paths again. Ahh after sleeping with me and taking my virginity, you used me. Behaved as if we had a one night stand."

Sarah too looked straight into his eyes where you could find a trace of hatred and anger. Her mind was bulging from anger and frustration.

As they were arguing like they were married couple but everyone around were still on daze, they couldn't find a single word to say to them.

The words were too vulgar for children What?. Sleeping, sex, one night stand. Henry almost vomited blood.

Austin and Helen gave a side glance, they felt immense regret on their hearts.

"Sister in law din't she said that to you in the kitchen on the morning when we were about to leave? ". Victor soon turned his gaze towards Helen who was already in great shock.

Helen staggered two steps back in surprise. Did he heard them talking at that time?.

Did they misunderstood each other. Did he heard them on that day. Gosh, Sarah was just hiding her real thoughts.

"Victor, it is not what you think though she said it but she didn't meant it". Helen came forward and grabbed Sarah's trembling hands.

"Is it? Then what is the truth?. Come on tell me Miss James am I reason for your tears?.Victor dint gave a fuck to the people around.

He raised his voice and questioned Sarah who was standing like a soulless being in front of him.

Sarah felt a chill running down her spine. Now the whole picture came into the light. He misunderstood her words on that day it was for sure that his behavior turned 360 degree just because of that.

Still, why din't he came forward and asked her?. Why dint he felt like talking with her face to face?. Was she a mere one night stand for him?.
Wasn't the two nights enough to know each other?.

You can assume your place in someone's heart who can misunderstood you for almost 4 years, just because of a single fucking word "fun". She trembled and sat in the ground like a helpless creature.

No she don't want a relationship, where the next person can't even can read your words, forget about the silence. He knew it was her first time still he thought her like a slut.

Enough of the drama now.

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