CH-54... She is gone

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"Mr. Smith can you bring Sarah along? ". Scarlett anxious voice sounded from the other side.

"She went to pick up Helen. We will come as soon as she comes back." Victor said without a slightest bit of fear in his voice.

When he was having breakfast his father called him and said that the James wants to say something to him and soon after Mrs. James called him and said the same thing.

He was ready to take the bait for one last time. He accepted the invitation to visit James for now and would decide the next steps after hearing from them.

He wanted to call Sarah but shook his thoughts away thinking she might be anxious on the way.

It is better if he wait for her to come home first.

On the other side.

"I missed you two"... Sarah was hugging Helen and Austin in the airport.

"We too missed you a lot, darling." Helen caressed Sarah's cheeks while Austin rubbed her back.

They were finally back to their home after creating one of the most beautiful memories of their lives.

Helen was brimming with happiness while Austin was looking at the crowd hoping to spot Victor's dark unfathomable gaze, but he was nowhere to be seen.

"He is busy." Sarah gave answer to his unspoken words.

Helen smiled and perfectly masked the worry in her beautiful face. She winked at Sarah.

Sarah was behaving causually as she used to in her past but Austin sensed something fishy about the two women's gaze.

"What is it?".. His eagle eyes was directly set on Helen's freighted gaze.

"Nothing, I am worried about Victor and her." Helen tried to divert his attention towards the topic they discussed yesterday.

At first Austin was shocked as hell and later he composed himself like a businessman and gave 1000 possible solutions to Helen.

"We will sort it out later. For now Sarah you don't have to worry about future. We are living in 21st century, we will figure it out." Austin hugged Sarah in his warm embrace and said trying to console himself as well as Sarah whose eyes was teary and red.

21st century?.. Deep inside they knew that whether it's ancient times or modern era, people will never go against the rule of human civilization. They will never marry their brothers and sisters, for heaven's can they?

Sarah smiled back weirdly and shook her head expressing with her acknowledged gaze while Austin and Helen both patted on Sarah's back.

They reached near the car. Austin and Helen both got in Sarah's car, while Sarah went towards the drivers seat.

They left towards Lewis first and dropped Austin who was reluctant to go. Helen said that she needed some time alone with Sarah, only then he waved goodbye to both the women.

"Are you sure you want this?".. Helen said with teary eyes.

"Yes, that's the only way to make him forget about me. Helen please look after him when I am gone. Will you?" Sarah pulled the car to parking space near by and raised her teary eyes to Helen who was already weeping silently.

Helen just nodded from the passenger seat while Sarah clenched her hand tightly on the steering wheel.

Dammit..... When will I see them again?

Both the women hugged each other and cried heavily giving damm to the whole world outside.

After couple of minutes both of them parted from each others embrace and wiped their tears.

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