CH: 63: The truth in your eyes

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The surroundings was on uproar by the bride's action. God, did they just left just like that?

Are they just desperate to have sex?

Scarlett and William nomore had the courage to face the guests. What the hell is Sarah doing by the way?

Lisa and Helen tried to calm down the situation by making whatever excuses popped in their head.

Calvin was watching the whole show from the seat with his deep set eagle eyes. He sighed seeing Victor's sneer and Sarah's impulse.

He stood up and adjusted his blue tailored fit suit. His every action was filled with elegance and charm.

He went towards Roger and shook his hands to bid farewell.

He walked out with his large strides.

Anna and Roger were also standing sideways with awkward look in their faces.

"Where is Amber?"... Sarah spoke anxiously, when they stepped out if the Church door.

"Inside"... Victor said in calm tone.

Sarah eyes widened from shock. Inside?

"Victor"... Sarah roared like angered tigress.

Her voice was so loud that even the people from inside came out in rush.

The reporters who were standing side also heard the commotion and adjusted their camera's and mics.

"Were you playing with me all the time?"... Sarah punched Victor in his face which he quickly dodge it.

The next moment Victor grabbed Sarah's arms and wrapped his arms around her chest making her unable to move.

Soon the kick boxing match started. Sarah was constantly punching and kicking Victor, who was dodging it accurately.

The reporters widened their eyes from shock. Should they also witnessesd the divorce of just married couple?

Victor was already prepared for this scene to happen but he never had expected that, Sarah would start the battle just in front of everyone.

It's their wedding day for God shake.

"Sarah, Victor"... The James and the Smith's came rushing from the crowd.

Their eyes were burning from anger.

Victor heard the roar but Sarah was not aware of the situation.

He grabbed Sarah's hand turned her around and tightened his grip around her body. Now Sarah's back was leaning against Victor's body while she was facing the crowd.

Her eyes got blurred in an instant. Weren't they all alone just now, how come everyone were standing in a line and watching them?

"Mom, Sarah wants to see Amber"...

Victor spoke very softly but his words were like a thunderclap in Sarah's ears.

"She is inside but what's wrong with both of you?"... Anna yelled on top of her lungs unable to hold herself.

"Aunt, why is Amber with you?"... Sarah whole face was now red from anger and frustration. She raised her eyes towards Anna who furrowed due to Sarah's proactive gaze towards her.

When did she learned that?

"Weren't you two the one who wanted to spend some time alone before wedding and decided to let her be with me?"

Anna spoke gritting her teeth in embrassment. Do any parents leave their one month old child just to have sex?

Sarah froze on the spot and stopped struggling. Her face was covered on thick frost for now. Her eyes flickered from the realization that her bastard husband was once again successfull in proving that she was the stupid one.

The Truth In Your Eyes.... Loving You AgainWhere stories live. Discover now