ch. 1- His gaze

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The tall silhouette of a male figure hovered close behind. He clasped his hands tightly around the boat’s railing, on either side of me.

I turned to face him. His golden brown eyes glowed despite the dark curtain that was the sky. I wrapped my arms around his neck- in recognition- and rested my head on his broad shoulders. My fingers tangled and untangled themselves in his curly, sandy-blonde locks.

He pressed his hard, lean torso against my breasts, which fit the contours of his chest like a forgotten puzzle.

Moving my long wavy black hair carefully to the side, his crimson lips left a moist trail of kisses down my neck. I inhaled his fresh, earthly aroma as his warm breath tingled my skin awake.

He leaned his hips against mine and spread his legs out slightly-around me, holding me in place.

“You can’t escape me now” he whispered in my ear, in his deep, husky voice. A slow mischievous grin swam onto his golden and finely carved features. 

I looked up and saw the orangey-gold glinting in his golden rimmed light brown eyes.

His gaze held mine possessively. 

“Yes, I can” I grinned slyly. I pressed my hand against his chest and pushed him back slightly, teasingly.

This encouraged him even more.

He took my wrist like a delicate petal and spun me around to face him. Then he pulled me to him. I bounced back against his chest with reasonable force- for me, but not more than a soft tap- to him.

His large arms wrapped around me twice fold. I could feel his heart beating with mine as I melted against the rigidity of his chest. Triumphant, he looked down into my eyes and the corner of his soft lips went up in a half-grin.

“No, you can’t” he spoke. His voice was rough and eager, almost asking me to challenge him again so he could prove me wrong, again.  

I narrowed my dark eyes at him, hoping to appear intimidating.
But that seemed to excite him even more.

He let his lips glide down my neck again, this time going lower, following the v-line of my dress. His tongue tickled my breasts, which peaked slightly from under my dress.

I squirmed.

He held me tighter, unwilling to let go.

“Ah-hem” someone cleared their throat from a few feet away from us.

“Yes?” Sebastian asked, slightly irritated.

We both turned to look at Jimmy, the captain of the boat. He was young, almost too young to be a captain. Jimmy smiled at Sebastian, smoothing his sleek brunette hair back under his cap. He took off his cap and put it over his heart as he nodded courteously at me.

I felt Sebastian’s grip tighten around my waist. I looked over at him, but he seemed unaware of what he was doing.

“Hi captain Hanson” I smiled at him.

Jimmy flashed me a kind smile. His white, sparkling teeth shone brightly against the ever-darkening sky.

“What is it?” Sebastian asked, not even caring to mask his annoyance. He gave a hard, cold glare at poor Jimmy.

Unaware of what he had done, Jimmy looked slightly hurt. But he ignored the small rude gesture and continued to speak, looking at me most the whole time.

“I was going to ask if you two needed anything. It’s getting quite chilly, Tarini, I’d hate to see you get a cold” he advised me kindly, shyly gesturing toward my dress.

Taken [Zayn Malik]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon