ch.26 It was you

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"You have no right to love her, you twisted freak!" Sebastian growled.

He threw a hard punch at Zayn's chest, just over his heart. Zayn coughed on impact. Sebastian beat  and kicked and punched Zayn  over and over, making him fall to his knees.

Zayn's guards lunged forward, but he waved them off. I don't understand why he let Sebastian to hurt him, why he was fighting alone. I also didn't understand what it was that made him love me to the point of a delusional obsession, let alone why Madame Linelle had told him those lies about Sebastian.

Zayn coughed violently. My hands itched to help him, but that would only piss Sebastian off, who would hurt Zayn even more.

"And you have no right to treat her like your personal slave!" Zayn bellowed back. He threw a sharp punch at Sebastian's side, re-breaking whatever bones had been trying to heal.

"Well at least I didn't keep her as my sex slave!" Sebastian growled furiously. 

He kicked Zayn in the groin over and over until his delicate, majestic princehood was bruised.

"I never forced her to do anything she didn't want!" Zayn defended.

Sebastian laughed. His nostrils flared menacingly and I cowered back.

"The only reason she stayed was because you tricked her into thinking I was dead. You-you confused her emotions and-and convinced her that you really cared about her!" Sebastian accused.

He glared at Zayn and then sighed hopelessly when he looked over his shoulder at me.

"I NEVER LIED TO HER!" Zayn declared. 

He turned to me, hoping to keep my gaze long enough to convince me he was being honest.

I stared at Zayn. If he was telling the truth, then Madame Linelle was the real liar. She was the one who convinced Zayn to keep me and maybe Zayn cared about me on his own terms, but Madame Linelle had confused him to begin with.


He sounded like a child fighting over a doll. Yes, I loved him once and maybe I still love him despite how he treats me sometimes, but he was deep into a game. It wasn't about who loved who, it was about who won who.

Zayn looked up at me slowly, like he wasn't allowed to see me. He sighed desperately and my heart sunk low in my chest. He wasn't lying. He was in love with me and, what's more, I loved him, too.

"Yes, she does" Zayn whispered. He stole shy glances at me before staring down at the ground.

"SHUT UP!" Sebastian snapped. He pinned Zayn against the wall and glared at him with such quiet desperation but unruly frustration that his canines gleamed hungrily.

I reached for Sebastian's arm, but a guard pulled me back. They were enjoying the show and I was in the way.

"And I never hurt her on purpose" Sebastian announced hurriedly. He looked over his shoulder at me and shook his head. 

I scoffed. He had just grabbed and shoved me moments ago, but clearly those were signs of his affection, signs of possession. 

"Yes you have and you'll do it again because you're a coward!" Zayn spat.

He mustered up all his strength and grabbed Sebastian by his collar again. He nodded at his guards and they ran to him, eager to join the show.

I stared dumbfound as Zayn's burly guards jumped into the scene from the darkness of the hallway. They grabbed Sebastian and carried him off to another room where I knew they would do very, very serious damage.

Taken [Zayn Malik]Where stories live. Discover now