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-1 year later-

Zayn and I stayed on the new island, with Zayn's parents and all the natives. They spoke another tongue. But, in these past few months, Zayn and I got the hang of it. Well, I was much faster and I always rewarded Zayn with a kiss when he got new words right.

Zayn and I got our own quarter of the castle Zayn's parents had built from scratch nearly 20 years ago. We did get to share a room, but that was mainly because Zayn's parents were so excited to see him alive that they kept the hard discipline at a down low as they basked in the fact that they still had a son.

I started to feel sick in recent weeks. I didn't know whether to blame the change of food or atmosphere but there was something in my stomach, permanently making me sick and I wanted to take it out as fast as it had gotten in.

Technically, Zayn was no longer a ruling 'Malik' since his father was alive and well but that didn't bother him in the least. Seeing his parents alive was better than anything he could have imagined.

His parents welcomed him with the same arms they welcomed me. They explained how, after the volcano had erupted nearly two decades ago, everyone and everything on their island of Hydresca, was destroyed. But, they had escaped on a raft and that raft brought them here. 

They were horribly shocked when they learned that Madame Linelle had tricked Zayn into acting as his loyal caregiver when in fact she was the one that had planned all the disasters.

"Our only regret was leaving you, Zayn" Zayn's father admitted.

Zayn's mother patted her husband's shoulder and nodded solemnly.

"But you had no choice" Zayn defended them.

I looked down at my drink- a mix of fruits inside a coconut shell- and got up to sit off to the end a bit to allow them to have their family moment but Zayn took my hand.

"You're a part of this conversation, too, Tar" he reassured me.

"Ok" I mumbled.

Zayn's parents turned to me. His father smiled and his mother watched me carefully. A slow grin worked onto her face, which made me blush for some reason.

"Zayn, you never told us how you and Tarini met" she smiled.

"Yes, there were no inhabitants after the volcano, except you and Linelle"

"Unless, there was a secret cove of mermaids and you picked one out for yourself" his mom winked.

"I can't even swim that well" I laughed nervously.

Zayn's father burst into laughter and we all joined in.

Zayn wrapped his arm around my waist and I rested my head against his shoulder. He looked down at me and a shy smile whispered on his lips. 

He patted his pocket and his cheeks grew red. I turned to see his mom was grinning eagerly but disappointment struck when Zayn didn't do what she had thought he was going to do...


Everyday seemed to pass as quickly as the one before, to the point where I felt like I was tripping on time. Zayn grew antsier and I wasn't sure if it was because he still felt awkward about me meeting his parents, especially since it was his first time seeing them, too. Or, if it was something deeper, something I didn't control. 

And, there was no word of-of Sebastian and I didn't want to hear from him again. He must have died in the volcano and that was that. 

As for Jimmy, I kept scanning the horizon for him. I couldn't bear to accept his death. He was too kind-hearted and loyal to die. He had helped me from the beginning and I had promised him a ship. If he was gone, I would have a ship made in his name and sail it off on its own.

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