ch.16 Instincts

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Zayn looked up at me and I heard something crack in his chest. His lips- the one that had cast dozens of spells on me- were now quivering. His eyes- the ones that could emit puffs of red smoke- were now watering with desperation and dejection.

My heart sunk in my chest. 

I feel every ounce of pain he feels, every desire, every moment of longing and I know he has some kind of obsessive interest in me and yet I just want to run away.

What is wrong with me?

I want to leave him all alone in this bleak but beautiful tower. I want to run to the man that may or may not be searching for me. I want to be alone.

"Zayn, I can't stay. I just can't, I'm sorry" I shook my head slowly as anger built up within me.

"Please, baby, please" he begged and he got down on his knees and took my hands in his. 

I shook my head more slowly as tears started to glaze my vision. Why was I crying? Why was I telling him I was leaving when my heart wouldn't let me do such a thing?

"I- I" I stuttered as my throat closed in on me. 

I looked down at Zayn as his eyes began watering as well. He looked so hopeless and yet so unbelievably hopeful when he looked into my eyes that I felt my stupid, confusing heart quiver.

Zayn pressed his lips to my hand and started to plant soft kisses up my arms.

"I love you, Tarini, please stay" he pleaded softly.

I shook my head more violently while also tugging at his arm so that he came closer.

Zayn stood up slowly and sat next to me on the bed. He took my face in his hands and wiped my tears away quickly so that he could look into my eyes.

But I didn't want him to see my face. I didn't want him to admire any part of me or see anything 'charming' because I was a disgrace. I was an unfaithful, delusional girl who was so madly and deeply in love with the man holding my hands at this moment that I couldn't bare for him to touch me.

"I gave it you" Zayn spoke more steadily, but also more obsessively, now.

I looked at him.

"I gave you my chained heart, Tarini. I can't break the curse if you don't give me your heart, as well" he shook his head slowly.

A tear slipped from his eye, down his high cheek bones, just barely brushing his lips. The lips I wanted so desperately to kiss and taste.

Zayn took my face in his trembling hand.

"Please!" he shouted angrily and tugged at my hand.

"NO!" I bellowed back as I stood up.

Zayn took my wrist and pulled me back to him, making me slam into his chest. I pushed at him but he gripped harder.

I gasped as I felt his heart beat against mine, then with mine. I looked at his tattoo as it binded us together, lulling a soft trance over both of us.

Zayn looked down into my eyes and I looked up into his. 

Then, without a moment to spare, he pressed his lips to mine and I coiled my arms around his neck, urging him to search deeper, to taste me as I wanted to taste him.

This time, this time I wasn't playing him or myself. I was letting my heart go, freeing it from the torture my mind had put it through, not the physical chains Zayn had put me in.

Zayn gripped the fabric of my dress, pressing me against his groin. He pinned me against the wall with an eager vigor and I gasped as I felt him grow stiff.

Taken [Zayn Malik]Where stories live. Discover now