ch.9- Say my name

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For the next few weeks, I continued flirting with Zayn.

I started and finished the kisses, which still caught him off guard, but he never objected to them. I held his hand and lay beside him and hugged him, but I didn’t let anything serious happen. It was one thing to pretend to be in love with this guy in order to bide time to escape and find Sebastian and it’s another to let him actually touch me.

Especially since I have never been touched.

He also didn't try that sorcery stuff anymore. Not since I let him call me "princess" and come to his side when he called for me. But I needed him to say one of his spells. I wanted to know how he could do it and if I could posisbly learn to defend myself from it, or, even better, use it against him...

We lay on the canopy swing in the terrace. Zayn didn’t trust me completely and the terrace was as far as he would let me go from his tower of hell.

Zayn had closed his eyes and let the sun darken his already tanned skin.

I looked out at the distant, soothing waves that had stolen Sebastian from me. I lay there just staring into the horizon as if by glaring, the water would feel sorry for me and lead me to Sebastian...

"Isn't this much better my princess?" he asked me quietly.

I swallowed hard at him calling me "princess." Then I looked up at him and nodded carefully.

"When you don't fight me, you save a lot of energy" he smiled and played with a lock of my hair. 

He leaned over until he was on top of top of me. Then he held his legs on either side of me, keeping me under him.

"...for other things" he added in a hushed whisper close to my ear.

I shifted uneasily.

It was easy to pretend to want him because he was so exotically beautiful, but it was difficult to steer him away from that. And I was more and more afraid that I wouldn't be able to avoid it and my plan to escape would be that much harder to succeed at. 

Zayn lowered his head and kissed along my neck. Then he tugged at my dress strap with his teeth and let it drop down my arm. His tongue glided down to my chest and sneak under the curve of the dress' neckline. 

He started to bite down on the fabric of my dress and tugged until he exposed more of my chest.

I pulled the dress up and yanked his tie until his lips were barely hair's breath from mine.

He was always so surprised when I took control. I knew he sort of liked it, but it also wounded his ego when he wasn't the one dominating.

"Uh-uh" I waved a cautionary finger at him.t

Then I pushed him down on the thin canopy swing. I sat over his abs and kept a kept my legs around his waist tight enough to let him know I was going to  be in control.

Zayn rested his arms under his head.

"Am I in trouble, my princess?" he grinned up at me.

I nodded and licked my lips.

Then I leaned close to his ear and let my breath grow slow and heavy before speaking.

"Yes" I hissed.

A chill ran down his spine.

I grinned triumphantly and held his face in my hands. I held his face in my hands and looked down at the exquisite angle of his jaw, his high cheek bones and his bright, hazel eyes that were framed with unnaturally long black lashes.

Taken [Zayn Malik]Where stories live. Discover now