Chapter 3 : Gambling

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Legend :

   Y/N : Your Name
   E/C : Your Eyes Color
   H/C : Your Hair Color

Remember :

   You're from the real world and you don't know how you ended up in the world of pokemon in the time that Grimsley is in his early 20, so Black and White 1. You, you are 21.

   You kind of know EVERYTHING about that man down to what his team is, what are their attacks, what he likes about each one of them, what kind of games / hobbies he has with them too.

   Grimsley has trust issues thanks to his time at his family house when he was younger.

x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x

   The day pass very slowly for you. After the Dark-Typer Master went out, you watched the TV, wanting to know more about what was happening around, you weren't surprise to see some stuff about Team Plazma starting their thing around for Pokemons safety. You were sad that Ghetis was using N's dream like that. At least, you knew some were with him to support him. His dream is kind and true, but he only know so much about the real world and the relationship between Humans and Pokemons. The news kind of piss off your mood now so you changed the channel for something else. You fall on one that's talking about Liepard, you decide to watch it, in fact, today the channel was talking about the Dark-Type, you smiled a bit, finding it funny with were you are and with who. After some time, you went to make yourself some food, you were almost drooling with everything Grimsley should bring back.

   After that, you looked at yourself a bit and decide to use the shower, changing clothes and washed those that were dirtied. You only realize that you also should add shampoo for yourself because you add to use the one of the man. You got a bit red before just doing it. You then realize that, strangely, he smell like Lily's and Vanilla. You wouldn't put those with him to be honest.

   After Showering, you looked around, passing a finger on a surface and decide to clean-up a bit, the place needed it. It took you a long time and you were lucky to find something to play music while doing so. That day, you wore a black t-shirt, white shirt and some black tight pants. They were all to big for you, but you liked the style it was giving you. Since it was hot too, you tied up the t-shirt in a knot on the side so your belly was showing. When you had finished, you looked around a bit and found out some popsicle, you took one without hesitation. 

   You went back into watching the TV after that, it was already like 15h now. Grimsley should arrive before 17h with the food, well, you think. You don't know what times he works. 

   But, after 18h, he wasn't there. You started to wonder if there was more trainers than it should has. 19h pass and you make yourself some grill cheese, you started to think that he was out gambling, the ideo making you pretty angry.

   At 20h, you closed the light, but kept on watching the TV, it's a bit after that that he got back home, a bit red in the face. But, he froze when seeing you before smiling.

   - Hey!~ 

   - ... the groceries.

   Juste that was enough to make him loose his smile and make a face that was telling a lot. He forgot.

   - Seriously Grimsley!?

   - Well, I'm not use to have you around, it's only been 2 days, come on, give me break!

   At that you stood-up, fist clenched.

   - You know what, bad boy who acts like dickhead need punishment! You're coming with me.

Pokemon B&W - Fanfiction : Grimsley x F!Reader [Gambling's Medicine is~]Where stories live. Discover now