Chapter 5 : Bottom of the Well

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Legend :

   Y/N : Your Name
   E/C : Your Eyes Color
   H/C : Your Hair Color

Remember :

   You're from the real world and you don't know how you ended up in the world of pokemon in the time that Grimsley is in his early 20, so Black and White 1. You, you are 21.

   You kind of know EVERYTHING about that man down to what his team is, what are their attacks, what he likes about each one of them, what kind of games / hobbies he has with them too.

   Grimsley has trust issues thanks to his time at his family house when he was younger.

x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x

   The next day, you woke up to the sound of the door closing hard. You sat up, not the only one at that too, to look around and see that it's morning. Liepard is still with you and looked concerned from the sound. She jumps off the bed to walk out the door, you realize that it's slightly open too. Did Grimsley came to look at you? Weird, did he slept at all to be awake that soon? It's not even 7:00. You got out of bed and walk out of your room still in pyjama, he's not there so, why not?

   You could see that Liepard was at the door, kind of crying, wondering why her master didn't wait for her or why he didn't warned her to stay. You winced at that before getting to her to hug her.

   - He was having a bad day yesterday, maybe he's still in a bad mood?

   She looked at you with a crying sound before turning on herself to hug you back, purring to reassure herself. That made you sad and you decide to tell Grimsley about that. After some time, you pick her up and took her to the kitchen where you decide to make her a exquisite breakfast to cheer her up. She looked really happy about it.

   For the rest of the day, you decided to take care of her. Brushing her, petting her, playing with her. At one point, you settle on the couch to watch something, but ended up falling asleep. When you woke up, it was to her licking your face. You frown and looked at the time, almost time for Grimsley to come, but Alder sent you a message that he would be late because the trainer of the day before was there again. The Champion made sure you had a phone to which he could informe you of Grimsley if anything were to happen at work.

   You tanked him and started to make food.

   After some time, 19:00 tick by. A new message from Alder saying that the trainer was still there, to not wait on the Elite Four Dark member to eat. So, you ate alone with Liepard who started to be concerne.

   When 20:00 tick, you started to worry, you ask Alder if he was still there, but the Champion told you he left before when he saw that he was wining around 19:40. You settle on the couch, facing the door with a lot of worries for the Dark-Type.

   21:00 pass by and still nothing. You were still there, not moving, knees against you, eyes on the door. Liepard at the foot of the couch.

   22:00. Still nothing.

   23:00, you started to feel sleepy, fighting the urge to close your eyes.

   00:00. Still no Grimsley here.

   01:30, you hear something that woke you up. You lift up your head to see that it's raining. You wince at that and looked at Liepard who cried at you, also concerne for her trainer.

   02:14, the door finally open. You stood up so fast your head started to turn and you fall to your knees. You looked up to see Grimsley there, all soak and looking not there. He was looking at you without really seeing you. He let the door close, Liepard didn't came to him, she looked at him surpris. He finally looked away, taking of his shoes and vest. Doing so made more water poor down.

Pokemon B&W - Fanfiction : Grimsley x F!Reader [Gambling's Medicine is~]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon