Chapter 10 : Happy Christmas

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Legend :

   Y/N : Your Name
   E/C : Your Eyes Color
   H/C : Your Hair Color

Remember :

   You're from the real world and you don't know how you ended up in the world of pokemon in the time that Grimsley is in his early 20, so Black and White 1. You, you are 21.

   You kind of know EVERYTHING about that man down to what his team is, what are their attacks, what he likes about each one of them, what kind of games / hobbies he has with them too.

   Grimsley has trust issues thanks to his time at his family house when he was younger.

x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x

   Before you could realize it, Christmas came around. The Elite Four were free for a month, letting everyone have a good Christmas and New Year with their families. Grimsley was more than happy to be with you. On your side, seeing who you lived with, your job let you also have a month. You said they didn't need to, but they reminded you that HE would be alone during the time you'll work. That kind of made you blush, but you finally accepted.

   So, here you are, on Christmas Eve, just after eating with the Dark Typer Master who had a bit more drink than he normally should. But he was smiling, all his pokemons already had their gift, Murkrow getting a Dark Stone to evolve. Liepard got a comfy bed, Bisharp a stone to sharpen her blades. Shaperdo got a new pool, biger one so you could go have a swim with him. Etc, etc.

   After some time, you finally got down to yours while the pokemons where outside, enjoying the new form Murkrow got : Honchkrow. You looked at the package, it was big. You frown a bit, you put down your glass of water, you didn't drink, you don't really like that, before opening it. You made big eyes in front of the coat that was in.

    - You sly fox!

   - Fox?

   - Thievul.

   He smirk, you were slowly losing your hold habits of words. The coat was a long black coat with purple fur around the neck and hood. It was really well made. You frown before looking at him.

   - With everything you bought, how did you ...

   He looked away, getting a bit shy, his glass at his lips to hid his reaction, he had switch to water on your demand.


   You gave him a slap on the shoulder, that made him laugh before he spoked.

   - I did it ONCE, I didn't even drank back there!

   - That's why that took you all day, like a Christmas tree could take that long with a Machamp!

   He laugh before he looked at you put it on, remanding you you were wearing something really naughty under it. You started to blush a bit before looking at him. The both of you where on the ground, in front of the fireplace. He was about to turn around and see for his gift, but you took his hand before that. He looked at you for a moment, eyes going down to your joined hand before getting back to your eyes again.

   - Y/N?

   - Time for your gift! Hum ... could you ... like ... close your eyes?

   He frown a bit before smirking. He nodded and closed his eyes. You shivered a bit, letting go of his hand while getting up. You let the coat fall to the ground, letting a '' bump '' sound. You frown a bit, moving to his place, but nothing more. He was getting impatient. You slowly got yourself mounting him and he gaps a bit, getting redder. You lift up your hands so you could cup his face, tracing it gently. He still didn't move. You took the chance to pet his hair a bit, making him sight at that before putting your hand back on his cheeks.

Pokemon B&W - Fanfiction : Grimsley x F!Reader [Gambling's Medicine is~]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora