Chapter 8 : Date Time

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Legend :

   Y/N : Your Name
   E/C : Your Eyes Color
   H/C : Your Hair Color

Remember :

   You're from the real world and you don't know how you ended up in the world of pokemon in the time that Grimsley is in his early 20, so Black and White 1. You, you are 21.

   You kind of know EVERYTHING about that man down to what his team is, what are their attacks, what he likes about each one of them, what kind of games / hobbies he has with them too.

   Grimsley has trust issues thanks to his time at his family house when he was younger.

    P.S : This chapter, I've almost went full on french ... that would have been weird for you guys!

x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x

   The next morning, you woke up normally, about to get out and make breakfast when you heard Grimsley speak.

    - Make sure to be ready, we're going to eat at a restaurant all day! Get down when you'll be ready, ok? Oh, and, don't be shy to wear fancy, but warm, clothes!

   At that, you simple nod, remembering he couldn't see you.

   - O-Ok! See you in a bit!

   You could hear him laugh while you cheeks got hot. You went toward you walk-in where all of your clothes were. You looked at them for a while before you decide of something. You took a confi dress that attached to your neck, letting you back open, while it go up your arms all the way to your wrist. The dress fall a bit bellow the knees. You put on some high socks that go under it, they were black while the dress was a mixt of white and black. you put on a short with jacket on top of it to hide your back. You then put on some snickers, going out with high-heels during winter isn't a wise idea. When you came out, after doing your hair the way you wanted them to be, you could see Grimsley downstairs, letting Liepard know that she needs to watch over the house. He turned around when Murkrow open her wings while looking at you.

   He was wearing a white turtleneck with black pants, he had a simple black jacket that didn't have bottons in his right arm. When he saw you, you could see that he was surprise and even blushed a bit. Then, he smiled before joining you at the bottom of the stairs.

   - You're beautiful.

   - Thank you, it feel strange to see you like that.

    - Sometime, when you need a bit of change, you need to start from your clothes.

    - Oh, I see, wise idea.

    - Also because today is important.

   You made a surprise face before laughing. You took the hand he was giving you before you fallowed him to the door were you both put on your coat. He even help you put on yours. After that, he open the door for you, he was a real gentleman. You smile, a bit shy in that. After that, he gave you his arm for you to hold onto, which you did.

   After that, he got you to a restaurant where you had breakfast. He talked to you about some stuff, Pokemon or Elite Four related, sometimes not, sometimes about his time has a trainer, to which he found you attached to his words. He likes seeing you like that.

   He paid for the meal, you didn't like that, but you let him do. After that, he got you into a place where you could see some water pokemons swimming around for everyone to see, they were happy to do so. 

   While you were looking at them, Grimsley couldn't stop himself from taking picture of your face, when you notice, you pouted, but that didn't stop him from getting one of that face too. You then laugh before taking his phone so he could have a picture of you two together, but he stopped you, pointing out a photo-boot nearby. You nod happily before fallowing him into it, sitting next to him after getting off your coat, he did the same. 

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