Chapter 12 : An Happy Ending

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Legend :

   Y/N : Your Name
   E/C : Your Eyes Color
   H/C : Your Hair Color

Remember :

   You're from the real world and you don't know how you ended up in the world of pokemon in the time that Grimsley is in his early 20, so Black and White 1. You, you are 21.

   You kind of know EVERYTHING about that man down to what his team is, what are their attacks, what he likes about each one of them, what kind of games / hobbies he has with them too.

   Grimsley has trust issues thanks to his time at his family house when he was younger.

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   After finding out you were pregnant, you and Grimsley started to do a lot. To begging with, you had to set up the room for the baby, making it neutral color since you didn't know the sexe. You were surprise how much your boyfriend was into it, seing him even build-up everything that was needed. He was always smiling doing so, he was even helping you as much as possible, to the point of cooking even. 

   We're not going to lie, for the first 3 months, he wasn't shy about being touchy when you were horny, only doing it if you were demanding it, otherwise, he wouldn't. After the 3 months, he would calm you out of that hornyness for your good and the baby. You also found out what was the sexe of the baby : a little girl.

   Grimsley was so happy that he kept a picture of the radio with him at all time.

   You had to choose a name, it wasn't hard : Stella. For stars, at night, because, duh, like the dark master of Unova wouldn't take something like that. You were ok with it too.

   It's only after the 6 months due that he ask you to marry him, you were with everybody else and you just looked at him, red in the face, him on one knee. You couldn't believed it, of course you accept it, you wouldn't accepte anybody else than him as your husband. 

   You agreed to wait until she's 2 years-old so she could be the flower girl.

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   2 years past by so fast. You were really occupied the first one because of Stella. She has the color of her father's eyes, but she has your hairs color. She was calm, but so curious about pokemon. Liepard didn't liked her at first, but, slowly, she couldn't be outside of your baby's room. Always there for her, having her on her back when Stella was old enough for it.

   The, when she was 2 years-old, you were able, with Grimsley, to prepare your wedding, the both of you waited for it so long, you were like teenagers. All the people you both knew were invited, but, the biggest part was that you had to get a babysitter for a week, for the honeymoon. Shauntal was happy to take her. You knew Grimsley had something in mind when you saw the look he gave you.

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      The day of the wedding, you were wearing a dress that was of your licking, one you knew would turn him on since you were going to your honeymoon after that. He was wearing black on his side, you, the color you prefer. You could see he was pretty much happy about what he was looking at.

   Everything was so romantic, you choose to do it near night-time for him, he always look good under the light of the moon.

   When the after party came, you had to let Shauntal go with Stella, both not really wanting to be there, you said good-bye to your kid, a kiss, and went on, but it wasn't long before people went home, like, around 2h in the morning. Later on, you and your newly wed husband went for Alola.

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