Chapter 6 : A Sick, Sad and Cute Grimsy

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Legend :

   Y/N : Your Name
   E/C : Your Eyes Color
   H/C : Your Hair Color

Remember :

   You're from the real world and you don't know how you ended up in the world of pokemon in the time that Grimsley is in his early 20, so Black and White 1. You, you are 21.

   You kind of know EVERYTHING about that man down to what his team is, what are their attacks, what he likes about each one of them, what kind of games / hobbies he has with them too.

   Grimsley has trust issues thanks to his time at his family house when he was younger.

x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x

   Without knowing it, you woke up sitting next to Grimsley's bed. You were so tired that you have fallen asleep next to him, him holding your hand in his. You were a bit touched by that, but you needed to move, it was already 8:10. You got up and touched the wet towel on his forehead, it was warm, you needed to change it. So, that was you went on doing. Coming back to Liepard trying to wake him up, you stopped her.

   - No, Liepard, Grimsley is sick, he need to rest.

   But she didn't look happy about it. That made you sad and you pet her.

   - Don't worry, I'll help him get better. Together, we'll put him back on his feet.

   She looked like she was happy about it. You then changed the towel and he sight in his sleep. You heart melt at that, could he be more cute but when normal?

   Realizing what you just said, you shake your head franticly before getting to your room to change and shower. After that, you went down, remembering his pokemons need to eat. You fed them and they looked at you wondering why they were still here and not at work.

   - Your master his sick, he needs rest, so, you all have a week off of work.

   They didn't looked like they want that, well, more like the new was not well accepted, you knew it was because of Grimsley being sick than the '' no work '' part. You pet some before going back in. You jump in place seing Bisharp there, waiting by the kitchen, like she wanted to help you. You smiled before getting to work, making breakfast easy to eat. There was eggs you could think of, he's going to be pretty weak the first few days.

   After making everything, you put everything on a plate and went to take some medicine the doctor left on the kitchen table. You gave the plate to Bisharp for her to take up to her master. She looks happy about it. You open the door for her, seing that Grimsley was still sleeping deeply, his breath was still heavy too.

   You frown at that, getting worried, he didn't take medicine since he arrived, maybe it's why he's still like that. You tell the Dark-Steel pokemon to put the plate on the night table. After doing so, she reach for her master, but stop, knowing very well to let him have his sleep. But, she did got Liepard to fallow her, she needs to eat too.

   After the girls left, you turned back to Grimsley, you need to wake him up now. So you lightly touch his cheeks, petting him a bit and, again, he turned his head toward it. You melt again but started petting him with a bit of force into it.

   - Grimsley, wake up, you need to eat.

   You spoke with a soft voice. He frown in his sleep, you kept on petting him. After some time, he finally open his eyes. They weren't clear, fogged with sickness. He had difficulties seing you.

   - Hum?

   - Hey there, good morning.

    - ... 'ning.

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