Exhaustion || Season 5

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after fighting so hard for the valley, you find yourself back on a ship heading to space moments before a missile hits Earth and destroys what was supposed to be your home


You felt someone wander into the hallway you had been standing alone in since the doors of the ship closed. You had found yourself walking on your own, not wanting to talk or see anyone after all that had happened. You wanted to be left alone. And that's how you found yourself in front of the massive window, looking down on the ball of fire that Earth had become. Or at least, the place that had been supposed to be your home.

You had to laugh. 6 years stuck in the bunker, getting out and being promised a green valley, only to find yourself trapped in space. Again. The absurdity of your situation made you want to rip your hair out.

"Y/N," Bellamy stepped next to you, interrupting the pity talk you were giving yourself in your head. "You okay?"

"I forgot how much of a Grounder I am until I came back to space and felt so out of place."

"Y/N, you're one of us."

"I wish I could believe you. Oreth, Ion, Lincoln, Sheda, Luna..." You enumerated the people you had watched die, the people whose bodies you had watched the ceremonial flames burn. You were starting to forget and that angered you. "I buried them all down there. And now Roan is dead too, somewhere in that ball of fire what's left of him will soon disappear."

You sighed. You couldn't even give the man you had spent six years with, the man who had made sure you made it out alive, the man who had loved you more than he thought he ever could... you couldn't even give him a proper ceremony. A proper goodbye. He was just there, burning away.


"I know we'll be back in a couple of years, but still, this feels wrong." You wanted to keep your composure, but after the day you had had, keeping your nerves at ease was proving a rather unattainable task. "My family, the people that helped me be the best version of myself I could be are all dead down there, and I'm not with them and I'm not even that person anymore."

"But we, what's left of the 100, we are all back together."

"Everyone has moved on from that."

"What do you mean?"

"Clarke has Madi to take care of now, Raven is with Shaw, Murphy is with Emori, Jackson has Nathan, you have Echo, and Octavia has you back now. Birds of a feather flock together, and I'm clearly the odd one out."

"That's ridiculous."

"Thank you for validating my feelings, love." You bit your tongue as soon as you realized what slipped out.

"Love?" Bellamy eyed you, happy to know you still thought of him that way because that was exactly what he wanted. You.

"I guess old habits die hard." You brushed it off as you finally faced him. You hated you could read his stupid brown eyes like an open book. "Anyway, did you want anything?"

"I need you to come with me to the command's center."


"We have to decide what we do now, we're all getting together."

𝔦 𝔫 𝔣 𝔢 𝔯 𝔫 𝔬Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora