Private show || Season 2 » smut

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Remember Of Life and Love? Let's just say we were lacking some smut there, so I'm here to fix that. You're most welcome.🍸 You can also just read this one on its own. That's the beauty of smut, I suppose.



After everything that had happened with the Mountain Men, I decided to take it slow; well, we all did, trying to gradually get back into a routine and to a life of peace. I wasn't going to lie, I was really liking how things were going. A couple of days after we got out, I had informed my father about Bellamy and I's relationship; I wasn't looking for his approval or permission but I thought it'd be polite of me to let him know. A week later, I moved into Bellamy's room or, more so, finished moving in for I had been spending most of my time there since I had been sharing my old room with someone else. I wouldn't lie, that was the best decision I had made in a while, going to sleep in his arms and waking up to him pulling me back to him if we had rolled over at night or rolling to my side, running my fingers through his hair as he was still sound asleep, filled me with love. Truth was, no matter how much we rolled and moved during the night, Bellamy always managed to have a part of his body in contact with mine; I wasn't sure how he did that but it certainly didn't bother me.

- "So..." -he walked out of the bathroom as I laid on the bed, reading one of his books- "what are your plans for the first day we both got free together?"

- "My plans?" -I raised my eyes from the book, unable not to stare at him for a second before focusing back on his eyes; a smirk on his face that told me he had caught up- "I have an idea."

- "Care to share?"

- "Sure." -I put the book down, standing from the bed and walking towards him- "Remember that show you promised me?"

- "Really?" -he eyed me as I stood in front of him- "That's your plan?"

- "Oh, I am for real." -I chuckled, pulling him to me, wrapping my arms around his neck- "You offered a private show and I'm here to claim my front seat."

- "What if I say I don't remember that?" -he rose a teasing eyebrow my way, moving his hands to my waist and rocking us from side to side- "What if I say the show was to work the other way around."

- "Then, I'd say you're an awful liar which, really, just works in my favor."

- "Everything works in your favor around here."

- "But that's just because you're everything I see."

- "Did you just tell me I'm your everything in a very weird yet 'you' way?"

I giggled softly as I nodded, watching his smile grow impossibly bigger, moving his hands to my neck, rubbing my jaw before he pulled me in for a kiss as I rested my hands on his belt, pulling him closer.

- "I love you."

- "Well..." -I moved back, tilting my head as I eyed him- "Does that mean I get my show already?"

I busted out laughing as he shook his head but I could see the grin still on his lips as he moved back, grabbing the chair from under his desk and putting it in front of me, motioning me to take a seat. I grabbed it and turned it around so that I could sit backward on it, resting my hands over the backrest and prompting him to get going with my eyes.

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