Young Blood || Season 1

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"Where on Earth people found dresses and fancy outfits that were stored away and the reader picks one to wear and it takes Bellamy's breath away! Like he's in awe that she's his?"



That afternoon I had joined Bellamy on a scout mission alongside a couple of other delinquents, all of us armed to our teeth in case we encountered Grounders but, the truth was, it had been a calm couple of days and I was not going to start complaining about it; sure, I was still mindful of my surroundings just like everyone else, but I still relented on the fact that I was outside the camp and everything was just mesmerizing, especially this new part of the forest I had never been in.

- "You okay?"

- "Yeah." -I answered Bellamy as I walked by his side- "It's just... I love this place and I wished we could just enjoy it."

- "I know." -I turned my head to look at him in time to see the smile on his lips- "Maybe we'll get lucky and find something in that bunker."

- "I can think of a couple of things I'd like to find."

- "Yeah?"

I nodded, explaining to him how great it'd be to find components for Raven to build us an electric wall or find more weapons, something to use against the Grounders that could give us a truce, food would always be handy... anything would be welcomed really.

Talking with Bellamy had always been easy for me so I wasn't surprised when I realized I was falling for him, greatly surprised when he confessed he had feelings for me and that he wanted us to be more than just friends. We had been sharing a tent since then and my life was that much better just because of it; it wasn't even because of the benefits of dating the leader but because being around him always made me feel better; he made me feel loved and safe and I hoped he felt the same way around me.

- "There!"

One of the guys pointed in front of us and on the floor, all of us running towards him and finding the bunker's door, seeing the pleased smile on Bellamy's face as he handed me his rifle, him and Carson opening the hatch and going down first, the rest of us staying up and keeping an eye around us just in case until we heard them calling for us to come down, going down first, smiling as I felt Bellamy's hand on my waist, picking me up and putting me on the floor beside him.

- "I know how stairs work, Blake."

- "I know." -he smirked at me- "Come with me."

We distributed in three teams of two, walking around the massive bunker, looking for anything that could help us, Bellamy coming with me and handing me a lantern, looking around, seeing more spider webs than anything else, until the light illuminated three big barrels, smiling to Bellamy, leaving our lights on one of them and opening another; there seemed to be liquid in it, wondering if it'd be a good idea to put our hands in it.

- "I'll do it." -Bellamy took off his jacket and attempted to put his hand in it.

- "No, wait, I got a better idea."

I pulled him back; the last thing I'd ever allow him to do was getting hurt for not thinking things through. I made him stand beside me and kicked the barrel, watching as the liquid ran down the hall and finally seeing what was inside: guns.

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