‣ Ancient Lovers || Season 1 [Part 1]

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"s1 Bellamy and reader are best friends on the Ark; the reader gets arrested for knowing about Octavia and is sent down to the ground in the dropship. But like Bellamy has changed and the reader still has a crippling crush on him but thinks he likes Clarke and other girls but he likes her a lot, just doesn't know how to show it so lots of sexual tension and soft angst and fluff "



I had to do it. I couldn't leave my sister alone knowing she was being sent to Earth. To Earth! We had been told it wouldn't be survivable down here for another 100 years, yet, here we were. I saw her coming down the staircase that led to the two upper levels and she soon landed eyes on me, quickly making her way to me and hugging me tightly.

- "Bell! What are you doing here?" -she smiled as she pulled away.

- "I'm... I asked to be sent down with you."

She looked like she wanted to say something else but murmurs behind us rose and someone called her 'the girl under the floor'. But they didn't have time to say anything else as a loud thud came from the back.

- "I feel like I've said close to a thousand times not to call her that, but you just won't listen. No wonder they kicked you out of the Ark."

I recognized her voice before I saw her; I didn't even know she was here too. I was ashamed to admit that, lately, I had pushed her memory to the back of my mind in favor of Octavia's, knowing that I had to do what Shumway asked not to leave her alone down here. He failed to tell me Y/N was here too. Maybe he didn't know. She looked just like the last time I saw her but the way she carried herself was different: she looked more mature, readier to start a fight than before, more aggressive, even tired, she looked like she had been forced to grow up... it hurt me not having been there for her. The kids around her helped the guy up after she knocked him down for calling Octavia that ugly nickname and moved from her way, staying completely silent, not wanting to be next.

One thing hadn't changed: she'd always stand up for O, no matter who or what she'd have to deal with. I liked that about her. I smiled to myself as I remembered our first fight, it had been a stupid fight as we didn't come to an agreement regarding which was better: "The Iliad" or "The Odyssey"; I maintained it was the former and she insisted it was the later as Octavia moved away from us as she realized that had not been the smartest question to ask his History nerd of a brother and her bookworm friend. Y/N left home early that day and came the next one with my copy of "The Odyssey" and a bunch of notes on why it was better. I'm not sure I listened properly to all her reasons, getting lost in her eyes and the passion they showed me, but that day, I realized Y/N was a keeper and that I wanted her in my life for as long as we lived. I had missed her every day since they took her from my arms, realizing all too late I wanted her to be more than just my friend.

- "Why in hell are we still in this stupid ship?" -she moved to the front, pushing the kids aside- "I'd rather die seeing what's outside first if y'all don't mind, so what's keeping us from actually getting..."

Her eyes found mine as she reached the front of the group; my breath caught in my chest and I'd sworn hers did the same, her eyes softened for only a second before her eyebrows furrowed, making her look older than she was and angrier than what I hoped she'd be.

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