Maybe I do || Season 1

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"Bellamy and reader have tension but deep down they know there's chemistry. Specifically, the scene where it starts raining for the first time and everyone was freaking out but the reader was in awe of it and Bellamy couldn't take his eyes off her."



Being sent down to Earth had not been in my plans for that week but I had to admit, it had been a nice surprise, a fresh start and a pleasant change after the monotonous routine back in lockup in the Ark. The more I thought about it, the more sense everything that had been happening around me for the past couple of months made: the constant health check-ups, the sorry looks on people's faces, the lessons with Pike... I was certainly glad I had been paying attention, even if I had only done so not to hear his obnoxious voice screaming at me.

I wasn't exactly sure how, but we had managed to fall into a comfortable routine, each of us having an assigned role around the camp with Clarke and Bellamy being in charge. Now, that had been a fun thing to experience; I was obviously not going to run for president of the 100, seemed like such a hassle, but seeing Bellamy and Clarke trying to outdo the other almost every day did make me laugh. Kinda looked forward to their interactions most times.

- "Look who decided to join us."

- "Yeah, I didn't know you could sleep in, Blake, I'm slightly surprised and somewhat offended I had to wake up before you."

I turned to face him, seeing the disconcerted look in his eyes for I knew that was not how he expected this to go; yes, I was just coming out of my tent but that was the second time today, having gone back in to take my jacket for I had underestimated the cold breeze that morning. He glared at me for a second before his familiar grin took over his lips.

- "If you want to sleep in with me, Y/N, you're welcome to join me anytime in my tent. Or maybe you could invite me to yours."

I dismissed him with my hand, rolling my eyes before I walked away from him, only allowing myself to smile when I knew he couldn't see me; I wouldn't give him that satisfaction. We didn't have a hunting trip scheduled that day, so I decided to walk around camp, trying to see if anyone needed my help, easily seeing Clarke getting exasperated as she moved a couple of boxes from one place and into the med tent.

- "Lucky princess, your knight in shining armor has arrived!"

I announced loudly ending in laughter as Clarke rose her head to meet my eyes, watching a smile taking over her lips before she shook her head, pretending to be annoyed and pointing at a box in front of her for me to pick up.

- "So what are we doing?"

- "I'm moving the last of our medical supplies to the med tent so I don't have to go back to the dropship while I'm treating someone."

- "Remind me again why we didn't do this since the beginning?"

- "Ask Bellamy."

- "I'd rather not."

- "You had a fight?" -she faced me as she left her box on the floor in the tent- "I thought you both were friends."

- "We didn't fight, he just likes getting on my nerves but I get on his too, so it's fine."

- "The tension is there, you don't have to remind me."

- "What do you mean."

- "Come on, Y/N." -Clarke pulled me out before I could sit on the floor- "You got eyes all over each other."

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