Affection || Season 1

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"an angsty Bell fic based on the song 'Affection' by Between Friends?"



You're taking what you
want right from me
Wrapped up in so much
Life is just the way you hold me
You pick your miscellaneously
Wrapped up in all the choices you're not giving to me

Never in a million years would I have guessed I'd get myself wrapped in a situation like this. Y/N was something else, she really was. As I watched her get dressed before leaving my tent early that morning, I realized that every time she left me, she did so taking a part of me with her, even if small. I wasn't sure how I felt about that. I was sure she could ask me for anything during our nights together and I'd have given it to her, but she never did. Maybe I was getting too invested in what we were doing and she was just in it for the sex. I wouldn't blame her. I let my head fall back on the bed, not wanting to move from the warm bed, from the side she always slept on and that still smelled like her. Fuck.

I went over the events of the night before not sure who started it this time, but not caring about that now: I took her to my tent decided to take things slow this time, wanting to enjoy every second of it but losing myself all too fast as soon as her lips attached to my neck and her hands pulled on my hair. The sex was always great with her, I wasn't sure how exactly but, the truth was, I couldn't complain. I loved having sex with her. And I always made sure she enjoyed it too, so we were good there too. But it had stopped being just about sex for me, I had started to enjoy the after: being wrapped in her arms long after we came down from our highs or having her lying over me, with her head on my chest; falling asleep together had also become the rule after the night I basically fell asleep in her arms and she didn't push me away from her to leave. I thought she liked it too, but she never spoke about it. We barely spoke outside our shared nights.

I heard voices outside, taking me out of my head, forcing me to come to terms with the fact that I had a camp to look after; so, I stood up and got dressed but my mind kept going back to her, to all the possible things we could be, what we could lose and what we could win and what I truly wanted.



I'm laying on the floor
We're drinking 'cause we're bored

Another night in this beautiful hell. I sighed but still smiled looking around me: Jasper and Monty had, yet again, managed to make another batch of their, by now, famous booze; everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves, most of them with a glass in their hands and either immersed in deep conversations or struggling to walk straight due to the amount of alcohol in their systems. It was good we had established shifts to guard the camp or else the Grounders could have joined us tonight and no one would have noticed, seeing they were already seeing double. But not him. Not Bellamy Blake. At least not yet. I knew for a fact he didn't have the night shift but it was also true I had never seen him completely letting loose. Not outside his tent, I mean. The sound of laughter following a loud thud on my left gained my attention: another kid down. I had to laugh, taking a sip from my drink, but never drinking enough to lose sense of what I was doing.

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