‣ [So easy] To break || Season 5

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Long time coming, part 2 is finally here. Let me know your thoughts if you'd like!



I didn't know what was going to happen to me, there were way too many possibilities and the more I thought about it, the more scared I became. I should have stayed quiet. At least, I'd still be with Bellamy... They tied my hands and put a collar around my neck before covering my head with a bag; I was glad I wasn't claustrophobic because I was sure I'd have had an attack right there, especially after they sat me somewhere and tied me up. I felt the ship moving up and, after a couple of minutes, the all too familiar sensation of crossing the atmosphere and leaving the planet; my best guess was that we were going after Raven and Murphy. I hoped they wouldn't harm them but, seeing what I had seen, or more so, been through what I had, my hopes weren't too high. I didn't get to see, nor hear, my friends but I knew we were back on the ground as soon as McCreary untied me and threw me in a room, closing the door without an explanation, as much as I screamed for one.

I hated it, not being able to see only prompted my main to imagine a thousand different scenarios and each was worse than the last. I couldn't let my mind wander, I knew what it could do to me. I tried to think of my time in the Ring, I tried to think of the first time I breathed Earth's air, trying to transport my mind back there, to keep me occupied, to keep me sane. I couldn't just sit there, wondering, waiting for my imminent death. I couldn't allow myself to think like that so, when I caught me doing it, I went back to the beginning like it was a game: I was to recall everything I had done since we outside the dropship 7 years ago. I had to. Surely, hours must have passed by and not just a couple of minutes when he came back.

- "How's our little brat doing after a couple of hours in here alone?"

A metallic sound made my ears hurt, I didn't know what it was but, not being able to see, my mind was going wild. A knife, a bat, a sword to cut my fingers one by one... I shook my head, moving as back and away from the door as I could, finally hitting the wall, wishing I could merge into it.

- "Terrified it is then." -he laughed, a laugh that forced a chill down my spine; he was right, I was terrified- "You're not so brave when you're alone, are you?"

The sound of heavy footsteps resonated in the empty room, my saliva caught up in my throat and I felt a presence way too close to my face. My breath hitched. What is he going to do to me? The next thing I knew, the bag had been jerked from my head, clearly pulling a couple of strands of my hair with it as the man laughed at my loud whine. I blinked hard a couple of times, trying to get used to the little light the room got now.

- "Wanna say anything?"

- "Fuck you."

I landed hard on the floor after his open hand slammed my face, I could taste blood: I had bitten my tongue with the suddenness of the impact. My head hurt due to the hit with the floor for I had landed with it since my hands were still tied.

- "Maybe another 24 hours in here in the dark without food will teach you a lesson."

He forced me up, putting the bag over my head again. I refused to beg, I had to maintain my composure. I couldn't break.



They had taken her, they had taken Y/N and I had no way to get to her, to save her, to bring her back to me... It felt like my heart had been torn from my chest and cut into pieces while I could still feel every bit of it. I should have done something, I should have offered to go with her; deep down I knew McCreary wouldn't have allowed it, but I should have tried. I couldn't- I didn't want to imagine what they were going to do to her. I had to do something, but what? Octavia was dead set on starting a war against Diyoza and her men; a war that would not help Y/N, I was sure of that much.

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