Daylight || Season 5

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"where reader and Bellamy were in a relationship before the end of the world but she gets stuck in the ground with Clarke in Praimfaya; then, once Spacekru comes back down and after Bellamy saves Clarke he finds out that during the time in the ground the reader had their baby. And idk but maybe the reader is hesitant to tell Bellamy because she was worried that he had moved on or something."



It had been hard; really hard at the beginning, actually. Clarke and I could barely keep each other alive so once I realized I was pregnant, I panicked; not only because I didn't know anything about babies but also because I had no idea how we'd manage to survive ourselves, let alone how I was going to keep a baby alive. The baby would come and Bellamy wouldn't be here; I didn't know if I could do it... they'd be four and a half when Bellamy would be able to come back down because I still trusted he would. And what would he think? We hadn't planned to get pregnant, at least not so soon, and especially not now that he was going to miss the first years of our kid. It brought me to tears thinking about it every time but I had to be strong for myself and for the kid.

So I did it. Clarke and I found a valley that had been skipped entirely by the wave of destruction and we settled there around five months before the baby arrived. I would never be able to thank Clarke enough for taking care of me throughout that time and then for all her help with the baby; at some point, I realized the kid was now Clarke and mine, at least until Bellamy came back. And I was okay with that. My life only got better after little Aurora first opened her eyes and focused them on me; I had cried so much that day, Clarke had too and, somehow, that was enough for me. Even if her father wasn't here, I wanted to make sure that she knew about him so I never skipped our bedtime stories in which I always told her about her dad.

As Aurora grew older and particularly after the five-year mark since Praimfaya, she started asking more and more about her dad and I had no answers. He had been supposed to come back right after that mark which was when Earth would be hospitable again for non-nightbloods and yet, he wasn't here. I was starting to have doubts; maybe they had settled nicely in space, maybe they had found they liked it better up there than down here, maybe they assumed we were dead and didn't want to come back down... maybe he had moved on. That thought terrified me but, the more I thought about it, the more sense it made. Why else wouldn't he have come down yet? And, after all, I was dead.

- "He'll come back, Y/N." -Clarke patted my back as I sat straight again next to her, looking back to see Madi with Aurora, a smile on my lips- "He has to meet her."

- "What if he's moved on? It's not like they could think we survived."

- "If he has, it'd only be because he thinks you're dead and, as soon as he sees you, his love for you will resurface, all your memories together and..."

- "I don't have the stomach to have this conversation again." -I sighed, standing up, not bothering to talk on the radio like she had just done- "I'm happy with my kid, with you and your kid."

- "We are a peculiar family, I'll give you that."

- "We came to this world in peculiar circumstances, so I wasn't expecting any less, princess."

I offered her my hand that she immediately took to stand up, laughing with me. We had survived against all odds and, against all odds too we had raised two beautiful, smart, and gentle kids. Life hadn't been as awful as I had expected it to be once I saw the rocket leaving Earth without us. Praimfaya had made us stronger, the bond and I Clarke shared now could not be broken, and neither could the one between our kids. Madi had helped me so much with Aurora too since we found her; she was like her little sister and Madi had taken on the role of the older sister to heart. She had been teaching her Trigedasleng too and basically everything she knew. I had sat in the dark, watching as Madi told Luna about the world before it ended, telling her about the forest, the animals and the sky and how she'd teach her to swim and climb trees and hunt; that had made me laugh and it had also replenished my love for life a bit more every day. Now I was truly glad to be alive, to have this life, even if it wasn't the one I had originally planned.

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