Die with you || Season 4

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"Emerson has everyone including the reader held hostage and threatens to hurt the reader unless Bellamy reveals himself. Basically that entire scene including the air going out and it coming back."



I wasn't sure if coming back here had been the smartest idea; sure, we needed Lincoln's map but there had to have been an easier way than coming back to where everything went wrong, something more manageable than bringing Octavia back here to see the love of her life with a gunshot to his head. I didn't want to see him. I knew I wouldn't be able to live with the image of my murdered friend in my mind; I wanted to remember him as he had always been: loving and full of life, gentle but severe when he needed to be, carrying himself with purpose but friendly as they came. I wished that bullet had backtracked into Pike's head instead. That would have made me truly happy.

"Hey, you okay?"

"Just thinking." I nodded, feeling Bellamy's hand on my shoulder.

"Want to share?"

"I hate this place." I wasn't going to sugarcoat it for him."I hate what it's become and I wish there was somewhere else we could live once all this is finally over."

I saw the glint of regret in his eyes, almost overpowered by the guilt and pain in them; I knew he hadn't wanted any of this, I didn't blame him for it either but, still... I sighed, following everyone to the closest table in the hangar, determining what our plan now was, choosing to go look for some supplies around the ship, hoping that'd spare me from seeing the body. I walked around with Octavia and Jasper, going back to her room to find Lincoln'd diary. It didn't surprise me when she broke down, throwing things to the floor and through the air from one side of the room to the opposite, screaming and crying, punching the table and the wall until we managed to help her calm down before she really hurt herself. I wished I could ease her pain but I knew nothing would help her, not with something like this.

"It's okay to fall apart a little, Octavia, you loved him."

I smiled at Jasper's words, nodding at him as he glanced at me, watching Octavia taking a deep breath before she opened a massive trunk, pulling a couple of clothes out first, bringing them to her nose, and sobbing again; I was certain they smelled like him. I cleaned a tear falling down my face, hoping we could get out of there soon. I turned around, thinking of sitting on the floor next to the door but a scream died in my throat as I saw someone covered in battle gear, unable to fight back as they hit me on the head and everything went black.


I had assigned myself to keep guard outside the hangar just in case; sure, chances were everyone had left and we were alone but you could never be too careful. I just needed them to retrieve the supplies we needed and Lincoln's diary and we'd be on our way. It was a simple mission: in and out.

I looked up to the blue sky, some clouds would have been appreciated not to feel the heat of the sun so harsh on my skin.


"Clarke?" I turned around as I heard my name being yelled, seeing her running up to me, almost falling flat on her face if I hadn't reacted fast enough to catch her. "What is it? What's going on?"

"Emerson..." She managed to speak as she caught her breath, my blood running cold. "We have to warn the rest."

Y/N. Octavia.

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