Into The Reality

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You can't wait until life isn't hard anymore before you decide to be happy.

Realizing how unfair life is, truthfully, it's the people in life that's unfair.

Especially when things don't go our way, we blame it against the world, not knowing that it's our fault that our situation doesn't get any better.

Always remember this. Things that are meant to be ours, will always find a way to find us. But knowing that, doesn't mean that we can be complacent. We can never be better if we keep on entrusting our fate on the world. We can never be better if we don't see that room for improvement.

Losing everything we have, that's when we realize that you can't wait for life to be better before you choose to be happy.

In the midst of our storms, hope is all we have to comfort us. Not only as comfort, but inspiration to also strive for the better.

Things that have already happened, can never be changed, but can be lessons we can learn from.

Yearning for life to be better without doing an action will not change anything. Shooting for the moon is the best way out there, rather than gazing at the stars without the plans of reaching them.

Into The Reality (PUBLISHED UNDER LINES OF LOVE)Where stories live. Discover now