Charpter 1- One day-Part 4

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William is walking down the hallways in the castle. All the servants and knights ignore William. William did not care as he is focus walking forward there is anger in his face and his hands start glowing with dark magic. Thomas runs down the hallway going after William he yells in desperation "Brother wait! Wait!" William quickly hides his hands behind his back and turns around. Thomas Mets up with William and looks at him as expression of worried. William speaks " what is it brother" Thomas speaks "I was worried about you I wanted to check if you were okay" William is a little confused but then William knows this is something that Thomas does all the time. William sighs of frustration and than speaks "I'm fine you how father is. Just gets to the point doesn't care who he hurts" Thomas shows more worry on his face Thomas specks "I know what father did was cruel but he still cares about us" William sighs and nods his head no he speaks "I hate how you always side with father and not with me" Thomas tries to think what to say next after thinking for a second than Thomas gently puts a hand on William's shoulder and than he speaks " I know you always think I'm on father side but in truth I'm also on your side Let me talk to father tomorrow maybe there is way you can rule by my side" William doesn't believe Thomas but he changes his face expression to normal expression without any feeling as he didn't want to show his real expression which is anger and frustrated feeling towards Thomas's words. William gently puts down Thomas's hand away from his shoulder William speaks "Fine You can try I'm not getting my hopes up" Thomas smiles a little it's comforting for him knowing that William is accept Thomas's help. Thomas speaks "I won't let you down brother" Thomas looks at the window noticing the sun is going down. Thomas looks at William with a smile and then speaks "listen I'm getting together with Carla and Gavin at the bull and bear inn You're welcome to Join us" William nods his head no than speaks "No thank you I rather get back to my studies" Thomas starts to feel a little sad but understands why he doesn't want to join him and his friends. Thomas speaks "I understand. have a good night brother" William speaks "You too" Thomas looks at William one last time than he takes his leave. William Watches Thomas leave his face expression changes to anger and frustration and his magic coming from his hands showing again the magic it's dark and as we see black smoke magic shows. William speaks in anger " nobody steals my crown...nobody"

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