Chapter 13- unexpected ally part-3

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It's night time Thomas and his companions are gathered around the bonfire except Freyja she is just sitting on a giant rock. Gavin speaks "so let me get this straight You and Freyja were together" Aries speaks "Its complicated we spend the night together and than she left without saying a word. No letter and no map where she was going I thought she died and it was my fault" everyone remains silent until Gavin speaks "I'm sorry Aries" Aries speaks "it happened a long time ago all I care about is you guys" Thomas looks at Gavin. Gavin speaks "Freyja never told me about her past" Gavin looks at Freyja who is still far away from everyone. Gavin speaks "No. I guess in the end we both lied to each other" Gavin looks at Freyja she is just sitting there with her legs crossed. Gavin looks at everyone and than speaks "I killed her family and wife I felt guilty for so long I wondered why I survived the battle every day" Aries speaks "Wait she had a family and wife?" Gavin nods his head yes. Aries looked stunned and shocked to hear that. Thomas speaks "She didn't tell you ?" Aries nods her head no. Gavin speaks "well it—" all of a sudden Freyja gets off the rock and joins everyone. Freyja doesn't look at everyone else but Gavin. Gavin speaks "It started with the celebration of Thomas's special day the day Thomas turned 17" a flashback to Gavin in colmer  it was starting to snow outside. Gavin is guarding Thomas, William, and King Fendrel while heading downstairs. King Fendrel opens the castle doors. All the citizens waited for so long for king Fendrel to come out. King Fendrel waves at everyone and also smile. Gavin notices something feels wrong and ready his shield by gripping it tight. King Fendrel speaks "citizens of Colmer! Today we celebrate Thomas Fendrel turning 17" everyone cheers and claps. Thomas awkward waves at everyone. Gavin sees a arrow coming for King Fendrel and blocks the arrow with his shield. The arrow breaks in half. Gavin yells "TAKE KING FENDREL OUT OF HERE!" All the guards protect king Fendrel, Thomas, and William heading back inside the castle. Gavin sees Vikings and runs to the cement stairs that leads the castle wall. Gavin heads upstairs his sword and shield that are ready in hand. Gavin makes up the top of the stairs he Sees two Vikings and run to them. Gavin and a Viking man fight with their weapons clashing. Gavin was able to cut the Viking's hand but as he does the Viking man loses a index finger and falls to the ground. The Viking man yells "FUCKING HELL" Gavin and the another Viking begin fighting with their weapons. Their weapons clash at Each other. Gavin is now focused on this Viking he forgets the other one is there. The first Viking getting ready to strike at Gavin when suddenly his hand gets hit by a arrow the Centre of hand. Clara points her bow and arrow at the Viking. Both Vikings and Gavin stoped and looked at Clara. Clara speaks "Next time it will be you're head" both of the Vikings are tried and feeling  exhausted already they leave.

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