Chapter 12- unexpected turn part-8

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Queen Sofia speaks "Thomas and those that accompany him" everyone looks at Queen Sofia. Queen Sofia speaks "I would like to thank all of you for you're bravery and courage to though out today and I would like nothing more to Secure alliance with you Thomas" all the handmaidens come out holding 3 shields made of sliver" Queen Sofia speaks "please accept these shields as gifts for what you have done" Olivia, Gavin and Thomas gently take the shields from the handmaidens. Queen Sofia speaks "I also have one proposal I would like to make with Thomas" Thomas speaks "What is it you need Queen Sofia" Queen Sofia speaks "Long ago You're Father arranged a engagement between you and I" Jasper looks at Thomas to see his reaction. Queen Sofia speaks "I would like to continue the engagement  I am needed of a king to rule by my side and I would happily move to colmer with you once the battle is over" Thomas looks at Jasper. Jasper nods his head yes as reassuring to Thomas. Thomas looks at Queen Sofia and than speaks "I accept" Queen Sofia speaks "lonely let us continue this Conversation up at my gardens" Thomas speaks "of course" Thomas heads up stairs with Queen Sofia. Jasper quietly sighs. Thomas looks back and sees Jasper. Thomas looks forward and keeps moving. Gavin looks at Jasper looking at him checking if he is Okay. Jasper speaks "I'm fine" Gavin speaks "Are you sure?" Jasper speaks "I have to be" everyone remains quiet unsure what to say. Back in colmer Celine is by the throne room door. Celine sighs and than opens the door. William is petting a black raven he sees her and lets go of the black raven. Celine walks to William and makes it to him. Celine speaks "My lord I am with child" William is motionless after hearing that. Celine speaks "I checked with merdaer he confirmed that I am with child" William speaks still motionless "I see" Celine speaks "Are you not happy my lord?" William Laughs a little in disbelief. William speaks "It's not even mine why should I care?" Celine speaks "My lord—" William speaks "I know Celine I'm not a idiot. If you wanna continue rule beside me you would get rid of that thing or face execution" Celine speaks "I..." William looks at Celine. Celine speaks "I will get rid of it my lord" William speaks "Very good now go" Celine leaves. William looks at the window. Celine sighs of sadness. Celine enters to Merdaer's room. Merdaer is looking at his notes and looks up to see Celine. Merdaer speaks "What did he say?" Celine speaks "He wants it gone" Merdaer speaks "you were a fool going to him but I will help you" Celine speaks "Thank you Merdaer" Merdaer speaks "I'm not doing this for you I'm doing this for William" Celine starts to feel sad after hearing that but hides it. Celine goes to Merdaer table and lays on top of the table waiting for Merdaer to begin the experiment.

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