Chapter 16- Second chance Part-4

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Thomas sees Leofric going to his tent. Thomas looks at the bonfire. Time pasted it's much darker outside everyone but Thomas and Jasper are sleeping at their tents. Thomas and Jasper are looking at a field. Thomas speaks "You don't have to stay here" Jasper speaks "Are you sure you're okay being out here?" Thomas speaks "I am I'm not tried yet" Jasper speaks "Okay don't stay here to long you need sleep" Thomas speaks "I won't" Jasper kisses Thomas's forehead and leaves. Thomas looks at the field. Thomas looks up at the sky there's no stars. Thomas hears someone coming behind him. Thomas turns around and sees Leofric. Leofric stops walking he speaks "I'm sorry I didn't know it was you I'll just go back to bed" Leofric turns around he was about to leave until Thomas spoke. Thomas speaks "How did you met my mother?" Leofric turns around to look at Thomas he speaks "I met her on a ship we were both captured by Vikings" Leofric sees Thomas looking at him and is listening. Leofric goes and sits beside Thomas. Leofric speaks "I remember Amelia chained right beside looking scared and helpless she was also with her mother, father, and brother" Thomas speaks "My mother had a brother?" Leofric speaks "she did he died on the ship he died of starvation we were not getting fed or getting water you're mother was forced to watch her brother die in front of her eyes" Leofric speaks "she looked at me for the first time after her brother died I saw her in pain I tried to come for her but I only could touch my foot with hers she laugh a little and said thank you" Leofric Sighs and than speaks "and than the storm happened I knew we had to get out when the boat hit the rock our chain broke. Amelia and I swim up and to land" Leofric looks down and looks at the Field. Leofric speaks "we tried to find her family but it was too late to save them. It was just us we found dead Vikings Took their weapons and clothes. And than we moved forward" Thomas speaks "Where were you're family?" Leofric speaks "I don't know I left home a long time ago nothing but the clothes on my back" Thomas speaks "did something happen with you're family?" Leofric speaks "My father was always angry at us to the point I would get hit a lot one day he slapped me across the face he said you are are a disgrace to our family" Thomas rememberers When King Fendrel slap him across the face. Leofric speaks "after getting hit I packed my things I left I arrive at You're mother's village at a wrong time that's how I was captured" a moment of silence sits in with Thomas and Leofric. Thomas speaks "I had no idea" Leofric speaks "King Fendrel never told you?" Thomas speaks "No. mother just told me she was captured and travelled with a group of her friends and that was it"

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