Chapter 17- Celine part-4

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Celine smiles a little knowing it's the first time someone listened and cared for her. The mother speaks "I think it's time you care for yourself and allow to love yourself for who you truly are" Celine smiles a little. Celine wishes she could tell her the truth but she knows telling the truth she would be killed. Celine speaks "Thank you" the mother smiles and than speaks "of course" the mother and Celine finish the dishes. The mother speaks "Thank you for helping me dear" Celine speaks "You're welcome thank you for talking to me and..helping me" the mother speaks "I know you don't know me but know you're not alone anymore" Celine smiles again. Ella runs downstairs and runs to Celine and The mother. Ella stops and looks at them. Ella very excited and Than speaks "I'm ready for my bedtime story" The mother speaks "Very well I'll—" Ella speaks "I want a story from Edith" Celine speaks very nervous "Me?" Ella speaks "I want to hear about you're adventures" Celine speaks "I'm not sure if—" the mother speaks "Go on my dear it's okay" Celine speaks "I—" Ella gently takes her hand and gently pulls Celine with her. Celine speaks "Oh dear" the mother smiles as she watches Celine and Ella go upstairs. Time past Ella gets in her bed. Celine has no idea what to tell Ella she never told a child a story before. Ella is all ready to go. Ella speaks sounding edgy "I'm ready" Celine clears her throat and than speaks "My first adventure I went on was with my sister Tilly I was small like you" Ella smiles of excitement. Celine smiles back at Ella. The flashback begins with Celine and Aries as little girls running around the city Celine is chasing Aries. Aries and Celine are giggling and laughing. Celine and Aries stop chasing each other and look at each other Celine looks like her feel self Orange hair and blue eyes. Aries speaks "that was fun but I want adventure sister" Celine speaks "I thought that was adventure" Aries speaks "Chasing each other around the city is not adventure I want to find gold or jewels" Celine speaks "Why would you want gold or jewels" Aries speaks "I wanna give them to mama and papa" Celine folds her arms and than speaks "Aries how many times do I have to tell you they are not our mama and papa" Aries speaks "well they are mama and papa to me" Celine rolls her eyes. Celine speaks "that doesn't matter. What's the plan" Aries speaks "we sneak out and go to the city well—" Celine speaks "the bottom less well that's a terrible idea we saw a guy did it and never came back" Aries speaks "But you have powers that can help us" Celine speaks "I know how to use water and light" Aries speaks "we will be fine there's monsters inside the well" Celine speaks "I don't know..."

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