Charpter 1- One day-Part 8

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Thomas and Jackson are still talking and are laughing together they are in a different spot in the tavern Far away from the music and it's people. Jackson speaks after laughing "I can't imagine the look on you're face after you were named the next king" Thomas speaks after he takes a sip of his ale "I thought I was going to faint" Jackson laugh a little than he speaks "I apologize for not being there I was very busy reading" Jackson takes a sip of his ale. Thomas speaks "Don't be It's probably for the best" Jackson starts Joking he speaks "oh really" he smiles. Thomas speaks and starts to stutter nervously " Yes I mean no- I mean no I-I don't mean like that"  Thomas Sighs. Thomas speaks "I'm making a fool of myself" Jackson smiles and than speaks "You're very cute when you stutter" Thomas blushes he is unsure what to say after that he thinks and than he speaks "Thank you Jackson that is kind of you to say" Jackson speaks with a sincere tone "Well I meant it" Thomas and Jackson look at Each other for a while after a while Jackson speaks "So Soon to be king are you free tomorrow" Thomas speaks "I am I will see you tomorrow" Jackson speaks "see tomorrow Thomas and I.." Jackson stands up and gently puts his hand on Thomas's arm he gently continues touching his arm using his thumb. Thomas blushes. Jackson speaks in flirtatious tone "I'm looking forward it Thomas" Jackson winks at Thomas. Thomas blushes he speaks but stutters again " I-I so Am I" Jackson laughs but it sound gently and was not making fun of Thomas. Jackson gently let's go and leaves. Thomas talks to himself now that he is alone "by the gods" Thomas takes a deep breath and than exhales. Thomas hears someone call his name. He looks up and sees Gavin. Thomas speaks "Gavin" Gavin speaks "Are you ready to go?" Thomas speaks "I am where's Carla ? Gavin hides his guilt and then speaks "She went home for the evening" Thomas is surprised and is worried but he let's go it for now and then he speaks "alright than Let's go" Thomas gets up and leaves with Gavin. Thomas and Gavin exit the tower and the door behind them. Gavin and Thomas walk forward to the castle. Gavin speaks "Did you have fun?" Thomas speaks in a happiness tone "I did oh I did" Gavin speaks "just remember—" both Gavin and Thomas stop walking. Thomas looks like Gavin waiting for him to finish a sentence. Gavin is hesitant to talk Thomas after what Carla said. Gavin clears his throat and than he speaks "I'm glad you have fun but remember you're duty's but we will discuss it tomorrow" Thomas speaks "Oh okay" Thomas and Gavin walk forward. Gavin shows sadness on his face and still thinks about what has happened with Carla. This feeling of guilt bothers Gavin the rest of the night.

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